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时间:2020-05-04 15:07来源:毕业论文

Abstract  With the rise of the Internet shopping network, common people buy drug consumption habits are also changing the traditional mode of the retail, medical e-commerce network buy medicines have become an important content. Drugs, for the moment, the development of the network situation gradually clear, it greatly reduces the circulation, reduce the medical cost, are helpful in pharmaceutical enterprises while maintaining their own profits and lower drug prices. So in the future, if you can reasonable control sales channel, to guide the healthy development of medicine sales network, is likely to be cracked a dose of the current medical problems. So this paper will, on the basis of medicine in the United States and China, the research of network marketing development present situation and influence factors, for our country's drug provide opinions and Suggestions of the development of network marketing model.
     This paper first introduces the research background, purpose, significance, research contents and research process; By literature review to understand again for China's e-commerce and the development history of medicine marketing channels; From the comparison of the two countries the United States and China medical network marketing development present situation to find out the same and different. In this paper, we choose the representative of the pharmaceutical retail enterprises, the two countries on the origin of its medical network marketing business, business model, and the final results and so on has carried on the detailed analysis and description, finally compare China and the United States medical network marketing factors, find our future medicine faced by network marketing opportunities and inadequate, for this specific solutions and preventive measures are put forward.
毕业论文关键词:药品; 网络营销; 模式;差异化研究
Keyword:  medicine; network marketing; model; Differentiation research
 目    录
1. 引言    5
1.1. 研究背景与意义    5
1.2. 研究内容    6
2. 文献综述    6
2.1. 医药电子商务相关概念    6
    2.2 关于国内药品营销研究    6
    2.3 国内研究的不足.7
3. 中美医药网络发展现状现状    7
3.1. 我国医药网络营销发展现状    7
    3.1.1我国医药网络总体发展情况    7
3.1.2我国网上药店现有典型模式    7
    3.1.3 价格中国网上药店发展介绍-----以仁和大药房为例    8
32 美国医药网络发展现状    9
3.2.1美国医药网络总体发展情况    9
3.2.2美国晚上药店发展介绍-----以CVS Caremake 为例    9
    3.3 中美两国发展现状对比10 医药网络营销的模式分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_50984.html