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时间:2020-05-07 21:18来源:毕业论文



The Advertising and Marketing Strategy Analysis of Jingdong Mall 

Abstract: With the development of the Internet is more and more ripe, the network shopping boom is also rising, look online shopping market, open platform and the entire network competition time has come. B2C e-commerce in China has made remarkable achievements, based on the jingdong commercial city as a case study this paper introduces the general situation of the development of jingdong mall,  analyses the market environment and carries on the swot analysis, studies how jingdong mall is in the years between development is so strong, it adopted a strategy which in advertising and marketing ways, in these strategies is mainly studied in advertising product strategy, marketing strategy, advertising media strategy and advertising implementation strategy taken by the marketing strategy, and further discuss the jingdong mall in advertising and marketing strategy implementation process problems, thus obtained the certain enlightenment and reference.

Key words: B2C; Electronic Commerce; Jingdong Mall; Advertising and Marketing

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一 、广告营销策略概述 2

(一)广告营销的定义与功能 2

(二)广告策略理论的主要内容 2

 二 、京东商城的营销现状分析 3

(一)京东商城简介及其发展概况 4

(二)市场环境分析 4

(三)京东商城的SWOT分析 6

三、京东商城的广告营销策略分析 7

(一)广告产品策略 7

(二)广告市场策略 8

(三)广告媒介策略 8

(四)广告实施策略 11

四 京东商城广告营销策略给我们的启示 12

(一)需要学习借鉴的经验 12

(二)需要完善的不足之处 13

参考文献 16

致  谢 17

京东商城广告营销策略分析前言随着经济全球化的发展,消费者追求产品的多层次、多样化和高品质,广告营销也成为企业发展很重要的一部分。京东商城自创办起直至发展到现在的规模,广告可谓是功不可没。京东在不同的阶段采取不同的富有新意的广告策略,吸引消费者的眼球,达到宣传企业和商品的目的。其正品行货的广告语已经通过各种广告宣传语打入了消费者的脑海里,树立了可靠的企业形象,获得消费者对企业的某种程度上的认可。美中不足的是其广告营销模式隐藏些许问题。以此为背景,阅读了关于京东商城广告营销的相关文献,并进行梳理,总结归纳了京东商城广告营销的优势和劣势,为其他企业如何运用好广告的功能提供了借鉴。 京东商城广告营销策略+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_51140.html
