Risk analysis of Pujiang apartment
Abstract: Construction project is a huge complex complex, it has more risk than other industries. The risk analysis and control of the construction project can reduce the loss of the owner and the contractor. After consulting the related references, this paper
briefly introduces the research status of the project, and describes the risk identification, analysis and evaluation methods of the construction project. By combining the practice of the construction project in Pujiang apartments constructed table of Pujiang apartment risk identification, using hierarchical analysis method for the quantitative analysis of the weights of various risk factors, using fuzzy mathematics analysis method calculate the degree of risk, and to develop the the construction project risk response plan table, further demonstrates the role and significance of the research on the construction project risk analysis.
KeyWords:construction project ;construction risk ;risk analysis
1.绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.2.1 国内研究综述 1
1.2.2 国外研究综述 3
1.3研究意义 4
1.4 研究内容 5
1.5 研究方法 5
2.建设工程风险及其分类 6
2.1 风险的概念 6
2.2 建设工程风险的概念 6
2.3 建设工程风险的分类 6
2.3.1 按风险来源划分 6
2.3.2 按风险涉及的当事人划分 6
2.3.3 按风险影响范围划分 7
2.3.4 按风险可否管理划分 7
3.建设工程风险分析评价方法 8
3.1 建设工程风险分析意义 8
3.2 建设工程风险的识别方法 8
3.3 建设工程风险的分析方法 11
4.浦江公寓建设风险分析 14
4.1 浦江公寓建设工程概况 14
4.2 浦江公寓建设项目的风险识别 16
4.3 浦江公寓建设项目的风险分析 17
4.3.1 层次分析法在浦江公寓风险分析中的应用 17
4.3.2 模糊数学分析法在浦江公寓风险分析中的应用 22
4.4 浦江公寓建设风险产生的原因 浦江公寓建设风险分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_51362.html