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时间:2020-06-13 21:20来源:毕业论文

摘 要徐州重生舞团成立于2007 年9 月,是徐州唯一一家最本土、最专业、资历最老的街舞团体。现拥有全职街舞导师10 人,兼职街舞导师12 人,专业街舞成员50 余人,常年学生300 人以上,是目前徐州最大的龙头街舞培训机构。目前,公司在徐州市场的扩大与提升遇到了一系列的挑战和机遇,同时缺少了核心竞争点,缺少必要的、系统的整合营销方案,使得公司的发展遇到了“瓶颈期”。因此,针对该问题,我们计划通过阶段性的整合营销方案,结合“02O 模式”,主打“明星导师街舞教学,一流街舞赛事创客”概念,同时开展一系列的赛事、活动,进一步的扩大重生舞团在本土乃至全国的知名度与影响力。本项目根据徐州街舞培训行业现状,市场发展潜力进行细致的资料收集整理与分析,以便为我们品牌定位提供依据。同时因为徐州本土街舞培训机构众多、街舞培训市场混乱存在的问题,对重生舞团进行全面的企业形象塑造,提升自身的品质,打造高端街舞培训市场。同时整合线上线下传播,通过媒介组合策略来确保信息传达效果的最大化。在徐州政府“建设街舞文化之都”的文化背景下,为重生舞团作为徐州街舞行业风向标的发展,做出合理的规划与切实可行的发展方向。50861
Plan for integrated Marketing and Propagation of Xuzhou Rebirth CrewAbstractXuzhou Rebirth Crew was established in September, 2007. It is the most indigenous,the most professional and the oldest hip-hop dancing group as well as the only one whichhas such characteristics exists in Xuzhou. At present, Rebirth Crew has 10 full-time hip-hopinstructors, 12 part-time hip-hop instructors, about 50 professional hip-hop members andover 300 students every year. It is the biggest leading hip-hop training organization inXuzhou city.Nowadays, the company is facing a serious of challenges and opportunities in itsmarket expanding and improving. Meanwhile, lacking of core competitive point andnecessary and systematic plan for integration and marketing make it hard to keepdeveloping. Therefore, targeting at this problem, we decide to take use of a periodic plan forintegrated marketing, combine the “O2O mode” and focus on the conception of “Hip-hoptaught by star instructors and top events attract customers”. At the same time, it is alsocritical to initiate a serious of events and activities to further increase Rebirth Crew’spopularity and influence in local places and even in the whole nation.In this project, many detailed statistics related with the current status of hip-hoptraining in Xuzhou and the potential of market development were collected and analyzed,which will help to provide some basis for brand positioning. Besides, because there are lotsof hip-hop training organizations in Xuzhou and the market of hip-hop training is quitedisordered, it is necessary to build a comprehensive company image of Rebirth Crew,improve its quality and create a high-end hip-hop training market. At the same time, it isalso critical to perfect the online and offline integration and make sure the maximization ofthe effect of information transmission through media combination strategy.Under the cultural background of “building the Capital of hip-hop culture”, the paperintends to help Rebirth Crew to develop as an industry leader, make proper planning andascertain a practical and feasible developing direction.
Key words: Hip-hop training, integration and marketing; O2O mode; Capital of hip-hop culture; Media combination strategy





(二)客户基本情况说明..3 徐州重生舞团整合营销传播策划案:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_54297.html
