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时间:2020-06-22 19:39来源:毕业论文



 Study on Online Shopping Behavior of College Students in Jiangsu University of Science And Technology

Abstract     With the popularity of the Internet,college students become the main force of members of the online shopping. We investigate the students' online shopping situationthis of JUST  in the form of questionnaire. We have summed up the gender characteristics and grade characteristics of college students ,and we have analysed their behavior characteristics from the perspective of the frequency and shopping satisfaction. From the point of view of consumer psychology, we have found the college students' psychology for convenience,lim and fun.Their behaviors have some common shortages such as lack of risk awareness , emotional consumption and online shopping addiction. So we will put forward rationalsuggestions including strengthening network security education, improving their financing ability, legal norms of government and credit management of seller ,self-discipline of college studengts etc.The research has certain practical significance when it aims at guiding students to establish a good, healthy online shopping behavior.

Keywords:college students; consuming psychology; online shopping behavior

目  录

0 引言 1

1 理论研究综述 1

2 调查结果分析 3

2.1 大学生网购用户构成分析 3

2.2 大学生网购行为特征分析 4

2.3 大学生网购消费心理分析 7

3 大学生网购行为存在的主要问题及建议 9

3.1 大学生网购行为存在的主要问题 9

3.2 影响大学生网购行为的主要因素 11

3.3 进一步规范网购行为的建议 14

结   论 15

致   谢 16

参考文献 17

附录:调查问卷 17 


0 引言

随着社会的发展和科技的进步,互联网越来越普及,网上购物作为一种新型消费方式,受到越来越多尤其是大学生消费者的青睐。大学生是一个特殊的群体,有着不同于社会其他消费群体的消费心理和行为。一方面由于他们尚未自立,还需父母资助其完成学业;另一方面,特殊的年龄段赋予了他们较强的消费欲望。大学生作为走在时代前列的新兴群体,他们受教育程度较高,对网络的使用轻车熟路,他们热衷于追求新奇的事物,不满足于物质享受,而互联网这个平台恰好能给他们提供更多满足精神和物质双重需要的产品和服务。 某大学在校生网购行为研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_55138.html
