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时间:2020-06-22 20:59来源:毕业论文



Private Enterprise Human Capital Investment Risk and Avoidance


The risk of human capital investment of private enterprises is the article for research. First, the meaning of human capital, investment in human capital origin and the main contents are introduced, and then the human capital investment risk into the risk of human exposure and non-human, and were analyzed. Finally, Ordos City Ulan Coal Group Co., Ltd., for example, investment in human capital through the Analysis Group, which puts forward the group in the future human capital investment avoidance measures to be taken. Ordos City Ulan Coal Group Co., Ltd. Human Capital Investment Risk prevention has some reference and guidance.

Keywords: human capital; human capital investment risk; risk aversion

目   录

0 引言 1

1 人力资本投资和人力资本投资风险 2

1.1人力资本投资 2

1.1.1人力资本的内涵 2

1.1.2人力资本投资的内涵 2

1.1.3人力资本投资的理论起源 2

1.2人力资本投资风险 3

1.2.1风险的定义 3

1.2.2投资风险 4

1.2.3私营企业人力资本投资风险 4

1.3私营企业人力资本投资内容 4

1.3.1教育投资 4

1.3.2培训投资 5

1.3.3卫生保健投资 5

1.3.4迁移投资 5

2 私营企业人力资本投资,以乌兰集团为例 5

2.1乌兰集团简介 5

2.2乌兰集团人力资本投资现状 7

2.3乌兰集团人力资本投资问题分析 9

2.3.1乌兰集团人力资本投资不足 9

2.3.2人员结构不合理 10

2.3.3企业激励机制不合理 10

3 私营企业人力资本投资风险分析 10

3.1.人为风险 10

3.1.1企业角度 11

3.1.2个人角度 12

3.2非人为风险 13

3.2.1国家风险 13

3.2.2产业结构调整风险 14

3.2.3市场需求变化风险 14

3.2.4贬值风险 14

3.2.5自然灾害、事故风险 14

4 私营企业人力资本投资风险规避措施 私营企业人力资本投资风险与规避:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_55179.html
