摘 要: 乡村旅游,是指以农民为经营主体,以城市居民为主要目标市场对象,以村寨民俗文化和乡野风光活动为吸引物,以满足旅游者回归自然和娱乐休闲等为主要目的的一种新兴旅游方式。发展乡村旅游不仅可以拓宽现代游客多样化的旅游选择,同时对农村面貌的改变和农村经济的发展起积极的推动作用。黔东南是一个多民族聚居的地区,民俗文化丰富多姿,自然景观瑰丽宏奇,是贵州省发展乡村旅游业的重要阵地,但在发展乡村旅游的过程中,由于自身条件所限及经验不足等各方面原因,黔东南仍未发挥出它的潜力。因此,对黔东南乡村旅游进行SWOT分析是十分必要的,这为黔东南乡村旅游日后的发展提供了理论依据。55634
Abstract:Rural tourism, refers to the farmers as the management body, with residents of the city as the main target markets, to folk culture village and countryside scenery of activities in order to attract to meet tourists returning to nature and recreation, for the main purpose of an emerging approach to tourism. Developing rural tourism can not only broaden the persification of modern visitors tour options, as well as on the changing face of rural and rural economic development has played a positive role in promoting. Is an area of ethnic minority peoples in southeastern, heritage is rich and magnificent natural landscape macros and strange, is the important position of rural tourism development in Guizhou province, but in the process of developing rural tourism, owing to its limited conditions and lack of experience in areas such as reason, qiandongnan has not lived up to its potential. Accordingly, SWOT analyses of rural tourism in qiandongnan is essential, which provide a theoretical basis for the future development of rural tourism in qiandongnan.
Keywords:Rural tourism, Miao-Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Qiandongnan,SWOT
目 录
1 乡村旅游概述 3
1.1 乡村旅游的定义 3
1.2 乡村旅游的特点 3
2 SWOT分析法 3
2.1 SWOT的概念 3
2.2 SWOT的因素 4
3 黔东南乡村旅游的SWOT分析 4
3.1 优势分析 4
3.2 劣势分析 7
3.3 机遇分析 11
3.4 威胁分析 14
4 针对黔东南乡村旅游发展的对策和建议 16
4.1完善旅游景区基础设施设备 16
4.2培育人才,提高素质 17
4.3加大宣传,塑造苗侗文化形象 17
4.4合理规划,建立有机的特色乡村旅游市场 17
结 论 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21
1 乡村旅游概述
1.1 乡村旅游的定义
1、“乡村旅游是指在乡村地区开展的旅游活动,其对象主要是乡村特有的生活风俗习惯、各种生产形态,以及大自然的田园风光”[1];2、乡村旅游是指为了满足城市居民的娱乐求知和回归自然的生理和心理需求,以各种农村、乡野风光和在乡村中进行的活动为主要吸引物的一种旅游特色方式。” [2];3、“乡村旅游在东亚地区称为“农业旅游”,所谓“乡村旅游”,就是以乡村农业文化景观、生态坏境、生产活动以及民族习俗为资源,融观赏、考察、学习、参与、娱乐、购物、度假于一体的新兴旅游活动[3]。 贵州黔东南乡村旅游发展+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_59975.html