摘 要:当代中国主流思想舆论是以马克思主义为指导思想,以中国特色社会主义理论体系为基本框架,以集体主义为核心观念,包括思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想以及科学发展观等一系列科学理论的思想舆论体系,同时其具有鲜明的时代特色、民族特色、实践特色、理论特色。在利用舆论传播手段等方法彰显主流思想舆论中国特色的同时,也要通过发展国家硬实力、提升国家形象和国民素质、利用国际主流媒体宣传等方法将其推向世界,并将二者有机地结合起来。我们的主流思想舆论要走出国门,发出中国声音,让世界重新认识和了解中国,不断提高我国的国际地位,增强我国的国际竞争力。55906
Mainstream Public Opinion with Chinese Characteristics and with its World Dimensions
Abstract: Contemporary Chinese mainstream public opinion is the guiding thought of Marxism, socialism with Chinese characteristics theory system as the basic framework, with collectivism as its core concept, including MAO zedong thought, Deng xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought and the scientific outlook on development and a series of scientific theoretical system of public opinion, at the same time, the era of its distinct characteristics, ethnic characteristics, practical features, theoretical characteristics. In by using the methods of public opinion transmission methods show the features of China's mainstream public opinion at the same time, also want to hard power by developing countries, to promote the national image and national quality, by using the methods of international mainstream media propaganda to the world, and combine them organically. Our mainstream public opinion to go abroad, the Chinese sound, let the world know China and rethink, improve China's international status, to enhance the international competitiveness of our country.
Key Words: mainstream public opinion, the Chinese characteristic, the world dimensions, public opinion transmission, the international competitiveness
一、 当代中国主流思想舆论的基本概念
(一) 主流思想舆论
主流意识形态,就是在一个社会中占据指导地位,并且具有最大影响力的一种意识形态。每一个社会都有属于它自己的主流意识形态。主流意识形态包含着社会主流价值观念和对社会价值的追求,是一个社会主流精神文化的灵魂与核心,对整个社会起着引领、教化和规范的作用。也有学者将其定义为:主流意识形态作为统治阶级实施阶级统治的思想体系,是由复杂的结构和丰富的内容有机结合成的一个思想系统。从意识形态的结构来看,它可分为认知、价值和策略三个层面,从其类别来看,它又包括经济意识形态、政治意识形态和文化意识形态三个方面的内容。[1]但主流意识形态不仅是指统治阶级的思想体系,它也指被社会大众所接受和认同的思想观念体系,这一点尤为重要。意识形态的“大众性”是决定其能否成为主流意识形态的关键性因素。 主流思想舆论的中国特色与世界向度:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_60271.html