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时间:2020-10-30 17:14来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:社工学生 ,实务能力 ,现状  

Abstract:social work is a practical subject,it requires students to pass strict training of professional practice , to provide professional service for clients.However social work is in a period of growing,many students will not work as social work ,it’s not only a waste of teaching source,but also can not meet the requirements of social employment.the reason is not just outer environment ,it’s also students lack of ability .This article want to know about the lack of their ability and student’s advice and opinion through the questionnaire survey and analysis.through research ,we found that students lack professional ability indeed.The reason is mostly about the curriculum and internship.even we have disability ,the social work is been developing,so i believe that social work student will have more professional ability. 

Keywords:social work student ,ability ,the status

目   录

1. 前言 6

1.1. 研究背景与意义 6

1.2. 研究方法 6

1.3. 国内外研究现状 6

1.4. 解决途径 7

2. 社工专业教学情况分析 8

2.1. 学校教学情况 8

2.2. 学校专业实践教学情况 8

2.3. 学生专业实践情况 9

2.4. 实务知识与能力学习情况 10

2.4.1. 实务知识学习情况 10

2.4.2. 专业实务能力 10

3. 现状影响因素分析 11

3.1. 价值观的问题 11

3.2. 课程设置 11

3.3. 学生实习机会的缺乏 11

3.4. 本土化的缺失 12

4. 解决途径 12

4.1. 开创多元教学模式 12

4.1.1. 角色扮演 12

4.1.2. 课堂讨论 13

4.2. 邀请校外专家进行专业指导 13

4.3. 与外校进行交流 13

4.4 提高实习质量 14

结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

1. 社工专业学生实务能力现状分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_63898.html
