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时间:2020-11-11 16:49来源:毕业论文


Abstract:The vigo rous development of China's non-profit organization and the role in society to volunteer as a non-profit organization's core resources, is apillar of the organization to play the role. Volunteers and volunteer service activities in the promotion of social harmony, people's advantageis paid more and more attention, and give full play to the role of volunteers. Non profit organization is becoming more active, the number is increasing, the communication and cooperation between non profit organizations is increasing rapidly, organizational strength has been enhanced. Overall, the Chinese non profit seeking enterprise in a certain extent has received social understanding, recognition and support, with broad prospects for development. They are in a wide range of social lifeincreasingly plays an irreplaceable role, play a unique social function and role.

Key word:non profit organization ,volunteer ,volunteer management


1  前言 3

1.1  选题意义 3

1.2  研究综述 3

2  研究设计与方法 5

2.1  研究对象 5

2.2 研究方法 5

3  淮安“萤火虫”服务社志愿服务管理问题分析 5

3.1  志愿者招募标准不明确 5

3.2  志愿者培训不定期 6

3.3  志愿者管理存在漏洞 6

3.4  志愿者监督与评估缺乏系统的规范 7

3.5  志愿者激励机制不完善 7

4  未来非营利组织志愿服务体系的发展与思考 7

4.1  非营利组织志愿者管理对策 7

4.2  非营利组织志愿者管理发展方向 9

结语 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11

附录:访谈记录 12

1  前言

1.1  选题意义


本文将以淮安“萤火虫”服务社为例,通过介绍“萤火虫”的志愿者管理运作,详细分析“萤火虫”服务社志愿者管理的优势与劣势,从而探讨非营利组织在志愿者管理中的对策与发展方向建议,为非营利组织发展提供借鉴参考,促进非营利组织的发展。 非营利组织的志愿者服务体系研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_64586.html
