摘要: 腾冲地区处于我国边疆地区,无论是过去还是现在一直是一颗发光发热的明珠,以其特有的姿态向中国乃至世界展现着它的韵,它的美。腾冲地区,历史悠久,古迹多;风景秀丽,名胜多;人文荟萃,名流多;资源丰富,物产多;开发较早,交往多。而作为四大火山群之一的腾冲火山群,它的火山温泉旅游资源已经以自身的规模、分布、完整等优势在中国的旅游市场独树一帜。但近年来随着腾冲地区旅游业发展的不断深入化、全面化,火山温泉旅游的开发也面临新的挑战。本分将通过分析腾冲地区自身的硬件、软件条件的优劣势,为其找到新的发展方向。61444
Abstract: Tengchong area in the border area of our country, either now or in the past has been a star shine pearl and its unique attitude to China and the world to show its charm, its beauty. Tengchong area, has a long history, many historic relics; beautiful scenery, many places of interest, gathering of talents for the numerous celebrities; rich in resources, and more products; development of an earlier, more exchanges. And as one of the four major volcanic clusters in the Tengchong Volcanic Group and its volcanic hot spring tourism resources have to scale, distribution and complete their own advantages in China's tourism market is unique. But in recent years, with the development of the tourism industry in the Tengchong area will continue to in-depth, comprehensive, volcanic hot spring tourism development also faces new challenges. This will be through the analysis of the Tengchong region of the hardware and software conditions of the advantages and disadvantages, to find a new direction for the development of the.
Key word: Tengchong volcano hot springs; tourism resources;
1. 引言 5
2. 腾冲火山温泉旅游资源概况 5
2.1 腾冲旅游资源概况 5
2.2腾冲火山温泉旅游资源的突出位置 5
3.腾冲火山温泉旅游资源开发现状 6
3.1 开发现状 6
3.2 存在的问题 6
4.腾冲火山温泉旅游资源的开发条件 6
4.1区位条件 7
4.2人文环境条件 7
4.3交通条件 8
5.腾冲火山温泉旅游资源的开发对策 8
5.1丰富旅游产品 8
5.2加强人力资源的培训和挖掘 9
5.3完善旅游交通体系 9
5.4加强旅游形象品牌建设 10
5.5发挥政府主导作用 10
结论. 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1. 引言
腾冲全县面积五千八百多平方公里,国境线长一百四十多公里,总人口接近七十万,居住着二十多个民族。腾冲因其自身悠久的历史文化,所以扮演的角色并不单一。腾冲不但作为中国历史文化名城,同时还是有名的华侨之乡,文化之都和举世闻名的“中国翡翠第一城”。腾冲因地理位置特殊,刚好处于两块大陆板块的交界处,所以历史上曾多次出现火山喷发的奇景。而后经过自然环境的不断演化,如今在腾冲城的周边已经诞生了众多各具特色、大大小小的火山群与地热群的交相辉映的场景,形成了现如今腾冲独具魅力的火山温泉旅游资源。黑鱼河、北海湿地、热海、叠水河瀑布等都是随着自然演变而诞生的令人拍案叫绝的地质奇观。 腾冲地区火山温泉旅游资源开发与利用:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_67205.html