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时间:2021-01-20 21:46来源:毕业论文



Abstract: In Huaiyin district XinDu Township land circulation problems of investigation and study, found that at present there are five main XinDu Township land circulation problem: the lack of long-term mechanism in land fertility decline, procedure is not standard leads to disputes in the contract, the behavior of the village cadres abuse power for personal gains, the land use change, show the phenomenon of grain subsidies. Also found that three factors restricting the land circulation: lack of transparency, perfecting the land circulation market low non-agricultural income level, and backward ideas of land circulation,Flow of consciousness. Put forward several countermeasures to solve these problems,Rural land circulation knowledge popularization, build public land circulation platform, reasonable planning, to establish a long-term mechanism, perfecting the land circulation policy to strengthen the supervision. Land circulation policy still exist a lot of loopholes, needs to be further perfected. Land circulation policy still exist a lot of loopholes, needs to be further perfected.

Keywords:land circulation, transfer problem, transfer form

1  引言 2

文献综述 3

3  研究设计 4

4  新渡乡土地流转现状简述 4

5  新渡乡土地流转中存在的问题 4

5.1  长效机制的缺乏致使土地肥力下降 4

5.2  程序与合同不规范导致纠纷不断 5

5.3  村干部以权谋私的行为 5

5.4  土地用途被改变 6

5.5  套取种粮补贴现象 6

6  新渡乡土地流转的制约因素 6

6.1  缺乏透明完善的土地流转市场 7

6.2  较低的非农业收入水平 7

6.3  落后的土地流转意识和流转观念 7

7  新渡乡土地流转问题对策 8

7.1  加大农村土地流转知识普及 8

7.2  建立公众土地流转平台 8

7.4  合理规划、建立长效机制 8

7.3  完善土地流转政策加强监管 8

结 论 10

参考文献 11

致  谢 12

1  引言

十八大提出要继续大力推进新农村建设,加快农村经济发展。要实现农村经济的快速发展,首先要解决土地问题。我国农村人口众多,土地资源稀缺,人均耕地逐渐减少,如何用更少的土地养活更多的人口成为一个需要迫切解决的问题。农村土地流转是一个很好的手段,农村土地流转是实现土地规模化经营,增加粮食产量,调整农村经济结构的有效途径。国家顺应时代的发展,积极地推动农村的土地流转。农村土地流转经过国家这些年的大力鼓励推动,已取得一些的成果,但依然有限。在政策实施过程中暴露出很多问题。有些地方虽然土地流转面积逐年增长,但土地流转规模依然停留在很低的水平,有些地方虽然土地流转的规模较大,但土地流转所期望的增加粮食成效并没有体现出来。更有甚者利用法律和制度的空缺,从中获取私利,严重危害了国家和农民的厉害。这些问题的存在大大阻碍了农村土地流转的进程,也对国家土地流转政策作出极大地考验,国家通过土地流转所期望的目的并没有达到。研究农村土地流转问题对于加快当地经济发展、帮助国家改善土地流转政策都具有极为重要的意义。源:自*751`%论,文'网·www.751com.cn/ 淮安市农村土地流转问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_68646.html
