摘要: 十三届四中全会到党的十六大,这十三年间,是党反腐倡廉思想理论化、系统化时期。党十七大把廉政建设放在更加突出的位置。十八大以来,全国刮起了反腐的风暴,呈现出高调反腐、态度坚决、小事着手、具体改革、一视同仁、力度空前、透明公开、开放自信等特点,面对反腐倡廉的大趋势,在借鉴国外先进经验的同时更要明确下一步改革的重点,即加强廉政文化建设、健全反腐倡廉制度、健全法制以及重视舆论监督的力量,完善监督机制。62494
Study on Incorruptible Politics :The Status Quo and Reform of Chinese Incorruptness
Abstract: since The 4th Session of the 13th CPC to The 16th National Congress of the CPC, during the thirteen years, Party anti-corruption initiate cheap theory of, system period. The Party Congress of the 17th Party Congress put the independent construction in a more prominent position. Since The 18th National Congress of the CPC, the national anti-corruption storm blowing,Chinese government showed a high-profile anti-corruption, resolute attitude, start small, specific reform, make no exception, unprecedented, transparent, open self characteristics, facing the trend of anti-corruption, in reference to foreign advanced experience at the same time to clear the focus of the next step of reform, namely, strengthen the construction of clean government culture, perfect anti-corruption corruption system, perfecting the legal system and the power of attention of public opinion, improve the supervision mechanism.
Key words: Incorruptness; anti- corruption; honest culture; supervision mechanism
一、 我国廉政建设现状分析
党十七大,反腐倡廉作为一面政治旗帜亮出,党和政府下定决心整改党内歪风邪气,统一了全国人民共同反腐的决心和认识。社会对反腐工作更加的关注和支持,相应立法工作进一步推进,制度体系也更加的完善。我党反腐态度坚决,坚决查处违纪违法案件,任何腐败分子,都难逃法律的制裁,绝不会包庇隐瞒任何一个官员任何一个案件!据资料统计,2007年11月至2012年6月,被给予党政处分的有66万余人。党十八大以后,新一任总书记习近平成为反腐斗争的领头人、改革家。十八大提出了建设廉洁政治的目标:干部清正、政治清廉、政府清明,第一次把反腐倡廉建设放在党的五大建设第四位,把党的纪律建设作为专题来阐释,这说明了党反腐斗争的决心,对廉洁政治建设的高度重视,中国政府正在进行伟大改革。 廉洁政治研究我国廉政建设的现状及改革:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_68733.html