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时间:2021-01-24 10:36来源:毕业论文

摘  要: 淮安府署是国家AAAA级景区,世界文化遗产,是淮安一项极为重要的旅游资源。通过对淮安府署游客满意度的研究,找出其发展过程中存在的一些问题,例如知名度较低、没有足够的影响、门票价格相对较高、景区公共设施和服务不到位、旅游纪念品开发较为落后的问题。针对上述问题,提出了扩大宣传、形成品牌、提高门票的性价比、加强公共设施和景区资源的建设、开发具有纪念意义的旅游纪念品等措施。希望通过这些措施的实施,增加客流,提高淮安府署的游客满意度,促进淮安府署旅游向更好的方向发展。62572


Abstraction:Huaian government department is the national AAAA level scenic area, the world cultural heritage, is an extremely important huaian tourism resource. Through the study of huaian government department of customer satisfaction, finding out some problems about it , such as visibility is low, there is not enough influence of it,ticket price are relatively high, scenic area of public facilities and services, tourism souvenirs development is relatively backward. Aimed at these questions, puts forward the expanding propaganda, form the brand, improve the ticket price, to strengthen the construction of public facilities and the scenic resources, develop a memorable souvenirs and other measures. Hope that through the implementation of these measures, increase the passenger flow, improve customer satisfaction, huaian government department to better promote the steady development of huaian government agency.

Key words:huaian government agency,customer satisfaction,problems,measures

1绪论 5

1.1研究背景 5

1.2研究目的 5

2研究综述 6

2.1国外研究综述 6

2.2国内研究综述 6

3.研究方法 7

3.1问卷设计 7

3.2问卷发放 7

4 统计分析与描述 7

4.1描述性统计分析 8

4.2满意度频数分析 10

4.3等级相关分析 11

5淮安府署发展过程中的优势 12

5.1景观丰富 12

5.2陈列文物多,传递知识丰富 12

6.淮安府署存在的问题 13

6.1 知名度较低,影响较小 13

6.2 门票价格过高 13

6.3旅游设施和景区服务不到位 14

6.4 旅游纪念品开发落后 15

7淮安府署游客满意度的提升建议 15

7.1加大宣传,扩大淮安府署的知名度 15

7.2提高门票的性价比 16

7.3加强旅游设施及景区服务 17

7.4加强旅游纪念品的开发 18

结论 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

附录 22

表1:游客基本信息频数表 基于游客满意度的淮安府署发展策略探析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_68831.html
