Abstract:With the development of society, brand marketing has gradually become a distinctive symbol of this era, the cultivation and development of agricultural regional brand image has become an important strategy for the development of the agricultural industry. This paper takes Huaian agricultural regional brand image as the starting point, summed up from three aspects of the related research of agricultural products regional brand image in the literature, namely regional industry image, product image, and brand personality, combined with the influence of consumers in the survey of these three factors view, influencing factors of the Huaian agricultural research the product of regional brand image, and put forward reasonable strategies, in order to enhance regional competitiveness, promote the development of Huaian agriculture industry and improve the economic level of Huaian.
Keywords:Regional brand image,Influence factors of regional brand image,The image of the product,Brand personality
1 引言 3
2 农产品区域品牌形象的相关理论 3
2.1 区域品牌 3
2.2 区域品牌形象 3
2.3 农产品区域品牌 4
3 农产品区域品牌形象分析模型 4
3.1 农产品区域品牌形象相关分析模型 4
3.2 农产品区域品牌形象模型变量构成 5
4 实证研究与分析 7
4.1 调研方案设计 7
4.3 信度和效度分析 9
4.4 回归分析 10
5 研究结论 12
结论 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
附录 16
1 引言
如今品牌营销在人们的现实生活中展现出无比的魅力,由此区域品牌形象的塑造是各个地区发展区域产业的关键。品牌形象对一个地区或区域的重要性就好像一面旗帜对一个国家的重要性,它代表着某种精神和生命力。然而,在一些中小城市中区域品牌有着明显的缺位现象,它的建设也是处于滞后状态[ ]。如果某一城市盲目地进行区域品牌建设,其后果必定是不能实现预定的目标,有可能还会浪费区域内的资源和政府的人力物力。淮安是江苏省的一个小城市,所以本论文立足于影响淮安农产品区域品牌形象的因素进行实证研究。只有科学地研究影响区域品牌形象的因素,进行信息及数据的整理与分析,才能既不浪费资源,也能打造并完善属于淮安独有的农产品区域品牌形象。 淮安农产品区域品牌形象影响因素的实证研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_69859.html