摘要随着社会经济的不断发展,现代化技术的日益增强,人们越来越重视产品的个性化与差异化,市场竞争日益加剧,从而推动了制造业的新。传统的大批量生产方式已经不能满足消费者们个性化的需求了,因此,专用设备制造企业应运而生。专用设备制造企业一般采用的是面向客户订单设计的生产方式,即ETO(Engineer To Order)生产方式。ETO 型企业制造的每件(批)产品均需要根据具体客户订单的指定要求进行大量定制设计与制造工作,并被要求在规定的期限内交付产品。由于ETO 型企业的产品具有生产批量小、类型多、设计和制造工艺复杂度高等特点,从而导致该类型企业一般交货期较长,与客户期望的交货期之间存在差距。本文通过资料研读和整理,分析了解此类企业产品交货期的构成,分析影响交货期的主要因素,并据此提出压缩产品交货期的主要策略和方法。66352
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Special equipment manufacturing enterprise delivery time compression strategies and methods
With the development of economy, the increasing of modern technology, people pay more and more attention to personalized and differentiated products, increasing market competition, thus promoting a new revolution in the manufacturing sector. Traditional mass production system has been unable to meet consumer demand for personalized, and therefore, special equipment manufacturing enterprises came into being. Special equipment manufacturing enterprises is generally used for the design of production orders from customers, namely ETO (Engineer To Order) production. ETO manufacturing enterprises each piece (batch) products according to the specific requirements of the customer order specifies extensive custom design and manufacturing work, and asked to deliver the products within the prescribed period. Since ETO enterprise products with production volume is small, types, design and manufacturing process of high complexity and other characteristics, resulting in this type of companies generally have longer delivery,there is a gap between the delivery and customer expectations. In this paper, through study and practical investigation of enterprises, analysis and understanding of such enterprises product delivery, the analysis of main factors affecting delivery, and puts forward the main strategies and methods of product delivery time compression.
Keywords:Delivery Special equipment manufacturing Supply chain management
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 选题背景和意义 1
1.3 本论文研究的主要内容 2
2 专用设备制造企业运营特点 4
2.1 专用设备制造行业概况 4
2.2 专用设备制造企业的运营模式(ETO)的生产特点 4
2.3 ETO企业的生产运营的主要流程 6
3 专用设备制造企业的交货期构成 8
3.1 交货期的含义 8
3.2 设计周期 9
3.3采购周期 9
3.4 制造周期 专用设备制造企业交货期压缩策略和方法:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_74260.html