毕业论文关键词 风险投资 企业成长 影响
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Effect of Venture Capital to the development of enterprises
Venture Capital is an equity investment enterprise to a new potential or small and medium enterprises, its essence lies in that it is a risk for enterprise expert management capital, venture capital is not only to provide funds to the start-up period key support, more important is the Venture Capital firm of the invested enterprise management support, for the development of frameworks of the enterprise construction and enterprise growth. This paper firstly reviews related studies at home and abroad, then analysis the Venture Capital to promote the key factor of enterprise development, think the Venture Capital in new ventures in team management, strategic management, marketing, finance and other aspects play an important role, and actively promote the growth and development of enterprises.
Keywords: Venture Capital; Enterprise Growth; Influence
1 引言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的与意义 1
1.3研究框架 1
2.1 风险投资研究综述 2
2.2 企业成长研究综述 3
3 风险投资基本理论 4
3.1风险投资的特征与运作流程 4
3.2我国风险投资发展现状 6
4风险投资对企业影响关键性因素分析 8
4.1企业成长的关键因素 9
4.2 风险投资对企业成长关键因素的影响 9
5 案例:阿里巴巴的成长与风险投资 11
5.1阿里巴巴创业过程 11
5.2 阿里巴巴引入风险投资 12
5.3 风险投资对阿里巴巴成长的影响 12
5.4 风险投资对阿里巴巴成长的影响总结 23
6 结论 23
6.1总结 23
6.2 展望 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
1 引言
风险投资(Venture Capital)作为一种特殊的融资渠道已经成为新创企业解决资金瓶颈的重要手段,国际经验表明,风险投资对创业企业成长具有至关重要的促进作用。风险投资自诞生之日起便迅速发展,给世界经济注入新的活力,因为风险投资高风险背后带来的是高收益。与传统金融机构相比,风险投资家们更注重新创企业的发展前景而非单纯的财务数据,风险投资更适合与新创企业合作,为他们提供关键性融金的同时,帮助被投资企业引入专业化的管理制度和咨询建议等增值服务,对企业的发展产生巨大的推动作用。论文网 风险投资对企业成长的影响:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_74258.html