关键字:创文电视; 竞争战略; SWOT分析
The Competition Strategy Research of Sky worth TV
Abstract: In many domestic TV brands, each brand homogeneity serious competition is very fierce, flocked together with Japan and South Korea and other foreign brands. In terms of market demand, demand for home appliances gradually reaches saturation. Therefore, China's home appliance industry, especially the TV industry is facing the most serious challenge ever and the most intense competition. As China's TV industry leader, Sky worth which must recognize their grim situation, develop the right strategy to compete in the fierce competition. Through the macro analysis of the television industry and Sky worth specific SWOT analysis, development of Sky worth competitive strategy: take the difference in winning strategy in the domestic competition, play to their advantages in terms of labor costs in a competitive foreign markets. The conclusion that specific measures for competitive strategy, so that Sky worth invincible in the competition
Keywords:Sky worth TV;Competitive strategy;Implementation and control.
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、竞争战略概述 3
(一)竞争战略的定义 3
(二)竞争战略的类型 3
二、创文电视的外部环境分析 4
(一)创文公司简介 4
(二)外部环境分析 6
三、创文电视的SWOT分析 9
(一)SWOT分析的概述 9
(二)创文电视的SWOT分析 10
四、竞争战略的可行性分析和战略选择 14
(一)竞争战略的可行性分析 14
(二)竞争战略的选择 16
五、创文电视竞争战略实施的对策建议 17
(一)在企业中营造良好的创新氛围 17
(二)完善创文电视营销策略 17
参考文献 19
致 谢 20
创文电视竞争战略研究前 言
但是电视行业经过三十几年的市场竞争和整合,市场集中度已经相当高,进入大型厂商的博弈阶段。电视行业不仅在面临着从传统电视、平板电视向智能电视、4K电视的技术革新,并且面临着严峻的价格战。在市场竞争如此激烈的情况下,为了占有更大的市场份额,获得更多的利润,许多企业在新产品设计和营销设计上不断推陈出新,以便吸引更多的消费者,电视行业已经进入了一个非常复杂的竞争状态。在如此复杂的竞争环境下,创文电视想要长期保持第一的地位绝非易事。 创维电视竞争战略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_7432.html