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时间:2017-05-24 22:16来源:毕业论文

The research of Chinese appliances enterprise marketing strategy under E-commerce environment
Abstract: The application of E-commerce in marketing is of great significance for an enterprise to adapt to the new environment, segment market more effectively, adopt more advanced marketing methods and meet the consumers’ demand. This paper analyzes the related concepts and features of E-commerce and marketing, and from the aspects of marketing concept, marketing ways, objectively analyzes the impact and influence of E-commerce on marketing, fully shows the incomparable advantage of E-commerce in today's marketing environment. Then, development situation and development trend of E-commerce in Chinese appliances enterprise were discussed, and then from a new change of new marketing methods and marketing strategies these two aspects, the new marketing model of Chinese appliances enterprise are discussed. Finally, quotes a case that Haier group markets under E-commerce environment successfully, emphasis that E-commerce plays an important role in marketing of Chinese appliances enterprise. And put forward four strategy suggestions on this basis: First, provides personalized products and excellent service; Second, adopts flexible price strategy; Third, combine traditional channels and E-commerce channels; Fourth, uses a variety of promotion ways.
Key words: E-commerce; appliances enterprise; marketing means; network marketing

目  录
一、研究背景    1
二、相关概念    2
(一) 电子商务的概念    2
(二) 电子商务与网络营销的区别    2
1、 研究范围不同    2
2、 关注重点不同    2
三、电子商务对市场营销的影响    3
(一) 市场营销环境的变化    3
1、 市场成为全球性的市场    3
2、 市场销售环节的减少    3
3、 交易和支付手段的变化    3
4、 信息传播和沟通渠道的增加    3
(二) 消费者及其行为的变化    3
(三) 营销理念的变化    4
(四) 市场营销重心的变化    4
(五) 技术支持手段的变化    5
四、中国家电企业电子商务发展现状    6
(一) 发展概况    6
(二) 发展趋势    6
1、 家电网上零售将挑战国美、苏宁的垄断格局    6
2、 在网上出现家电零售新寡头    6
3、 家电厂商仍要面对未来的网上零售巨头们的要挟    7
4、 网上家电零售价格将越来越低    7 电子商务环境下中国家电企业市场营销策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_7726.html