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时间:2017-05-24 22:35来源:毕业论文

 Communication Problems in the Urban Community Endowment
 Abstract:21st century, with the continuous improvement of the average human life expectancy and fertility rates continued to decline rapidly aging population has become an important topic in the world must face. The evaluation of quality of life in elderly Chinese is in a developing stage. As yet there is no widely recognized definition for quality of life in elderly Chinese, and there is no unified framework for assessment. Feng Litian and Dai Xingyi were the first to conduct a comprehensive and systematic study on the quality of life in the elderly in the book, Quality of Life Study of the Chinese Population, which established a basic framework for understanding factors involved in the quality of life of older persons. However, more in-depth study is needed to assess and influence quality of life.
This study attempts to combine the fundamental needs of the elderly, Analysis of the Social Work Intervention Services for the Aged communication, explore the mode of communication between the elderly and other family members, the elderly and the relatives and friends, the elderly and the elderly, the use of interviews and questionnaires, a community elderly interviews, questionnaires, from the perspective of communication quality of life of the elderly assessment. Another way, in the current Community pension model summarizing the new mode of communication. The last part of the thesis proposed pension model for how to improve the community, how the elderly barrier-free communication strategies and recommendations in order to promote the sound development of China's old-age mode.
Keywords: old people, Communication, community endowment mode


引言 5
一、    绪论 5
(一)    研究背景和意义  5
(二)    研究方法和理论指导 6
(三)    研究对象 7
(四)    文献综述 8
二、    城市社区养老中沟通现状分析  9
(一)     城市社区养老的沟通现状  9
(二)     浅析城市社区养老的沟通困境 9
(三)    社区养老机构工作实践摘要10
三、    浅谈城市社区养老中的沟通途径 11
(一)    城市社群养老机构走出养老沟通困境的方法11
(二)    浅谈社会工作介入社区养老沟通问题 12
(三)    社区养老机构工作实践摘要12
四、   社区养老机构个案综合分析13
(二)案例诊断14 城市社区养老中的沟通问题+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_7738.html