Abstract Step into society, or to start a family with children, the elderly in our country gradually "empty nest" families, this problem will affect the development process of the city. As threatened by disease, and the children don't have for a long time, empty nest old man feel more lonely and helpless, lack of routine care and psychological comfort, research and solve the problem of empty nest old man to be strong not to stay, let love empty nest old man feel the outside world is our responsibility. Empty-nesters will slowly from the influence of traditional family from the concept, accept and establish new relationships. Empty nest old man from psychological must have the full mental preparation, gradually reduce the attachment status of their children. Community will help empty nest old man, a series of activities, such as reduce the loneliness of the elderly, to provide professional service for the old. In this article, through questionnaire investigation and interview method to understand the status of the empty nest old man's life in the S community , to discover"Empty nest" t old man's real demand in Shanghai, to provide basic data and parameters for the research on "empty nest" old man .
Key Words: the empty nest old man; Lonely;Community care; Remarriage
目 录
绪 论 1
一、研究背景 2
二、文献回顾 2
(一)“空巢”的缘起与演变 2
(二)空巢老人概念的界定 3
(三)空巢老人产生的原因 3
(四)对空巢老人问题的研究 4
三、理论架构和研究方法 5
(一)理论基础 5
1、社区照顾理论 5
2、社会支持网络理论 6
(二)研究方法 6
四、调查结果及分析 7
(一)S社区空巢家庭老人的生活现状 7
1、空巢数据 8
2、健康状况 9
3、养老意愿 9
(二)S社区空巢老人面临的问题 9
1、老人要求子女探望的问题 10
2、老人再婚问题 10
(三)老人服务的现状及问题 10
1、S社区为老服务的现状 10
2、S社区为老服务的问题 11
五、完善S社区空巢老人养老的建议 11
(一) 寻找照料空巢老人的新出路 11
(二) 子女多探望 11
(三) 老人再婚 12
结语 12
致谢 13 上海市“空巢”老人生活状况研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_7775.html