摘要本文主要研究了全国注册测绘企业分布的情况,然后进行专题地图的绘制, 用专题地图的形式阐释了注册测绘企业在全国各地的分布情况,为有关用图部门 提供了直观的专题地图,让用图者能更直接地了解全国的测绘企业地理分布情 况,便于决策,为测绘类专业学生就业提供信息渠道,同时也会对测绘工作的传 承与发展起到一个积极的作用。69980
本次主要采用 ArcGIS 软件中的 ArcMap 进行专题地图的绘制:首先要收集 全国各个省市的注册测绘企业信息,然后输入地图矢量数据,创建专题地图,对 已经生成的专题地图进行整饰,最后输出地图。
最终我们从获得的专题地图中分析得到北京、江苏、广东等地的注册测绘企 业较多,这是由于这些地区人口较多,经济发展迅速并且拥有众多测绘专业类高 校。反之,新疆、西藏等地则拥有较少的注册测绘企业。
本论文有图 16 幅,表 3 个,参考文献 18 篇。
毕业论文关键词:专题地图绘制 全国注册测绘企业信息 ArcGIS
National Register mapping companies located Thematic Map
Abstract This thesis studies the case of the National Register mapping enterprise distribution and thematic maps drawn by thematic map form illustrates the register mapping companies throughout the country distribution for about Fig sector provides an intuitive thematic maps for use Among more direct understanding of the national mapping enterprise geographic distribution to facilitate decision-making for geomatics students for jobs that offered information channels, but also for the inheritance and development of surveying and mapping work has played an actively role.
The main use of ArcGIS software ArcMap thematic maps drawn: First, to collect information on enterprise registration mapping the various provinces of the country, and then enter the vector map data, create thematic maps, thematic maps have been generated for the finishing touches, the final output map.
Eventually we obtained from analysis of thematic maps to get Beijing, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places of business registered mapping more, since these areas with larger populations, rapid economic growth and has many professional Universities mapping. Conversely, Xinjiang, Tibet and other places will have fewer registered mapping companies.
The thesis Figure 16, Table 3, Reference 18.
Key Words: Thematic Mapping National Register mapping enterprise information ArcGIS
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
图清单 V
表清单 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的和意义 1
1.3 研究内容 3
1.4 论文组织 3
2 基于 ArcGIS 的全国注册测绘企业分布专题地图制作 4
2.1 专题地图概念 4
2.2 制图所用软件 ArcGIS 4
2.3 数据来源与处理 4
2.4 专题地图制作流程与方法 6
2.5 专题地图整饰 9 全国注册测绘企业分布专题地图制作:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_79085.html