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时间:2021-08-02 21:10来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 孝老假;探亲假;老年人;企业福利

The Feasibility Study of Filial Piety Leave in China

Abstract: In September last year, “Filial Piety Leave” was proposed by some local governments, intending to encourage enterprises to give employees some time to accompany with their elderly relatives. Firstly, the paper states the necessity of Filial Piety Leave. This parts explains the problem of aging populations in China, children and the elderly’s choices of endowment model, employees’ family care benefits, and the comparison to holidays in China, which finds that Filial Piety Leave is essential. Then, people from 30 to 59 year-old, five HR Managers and old people are surveyed and interviewed separately to find the reason that influence the implementation of this holiday, and to predict the effect. It finds the feasibility is low that it’s hard to reach the aim the governments want to, but in the future it has high-possibility. At last, according to the data analysis results, simple suggestions are given to companies and governments. 

Key Words: Filial Piety Leave; Home Leave; the elderly; company benefits

目 录

一、研究概论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究目的、意义 1

1、研究目的 1

2、研究意义 1

(三)研究方法 2

二、孝老假推行可行性的理论性分析 2

(一)研究范畴界定及原因 2

1、子女养老 2

2、孝老假 2

(二)孝老假推行的必要性分析 3

1、我国进入老年社会 3

2、当前各种养老模式难以满足养老需求 4

3、国内外相关制度比较 5

(三)影响孝老假推行的相关因素分析 6

三、影响我国孝老假推行的可行性因素实证研究 7

(一)调查设计相关说明 7

1、问卷、访谈变量设计 7

2、调查数据来源 7

(二)数据分析 7

1、影响子女休孝老假因素分析 8

2、影响企业落实孝老假因素分析 11

3、影响老人对孝老假的意愿因素分析 12

4、结论 13

(三)总结 13

四、对策与建议 我国推行孝老假的可行性研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_79429.html
