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时间:2021-08-09 22:05来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Yang Town is located in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, which is rich in high-quality peaches and as is known, has become the country's four famous peach-producing areas in the crowd, at the same time, industry has become Yangshan peaches one of the characteristics of the agricultural industry in Wuxi City. In this paper, SWOT analysis, a comprehensive analysis of opportunities and threats Wuxi Yangshan peaches industry internal strengths and weaknesses as well as the development of its external face. And based on how to further improve the overall quality, economic and ecological efficiency and competitiveness Yang Town, peaches industrial development of the core study, based on the analysis Textual multi-faceted research proposed promote land transfer, to achieve large-scale development; rational introduced varieties adjust the structure of cooked; strengthen scientific and technological services, training of high-quality peach farmers; implementation of standardized production, strengthen the brand and strengthen the commercialization function, improve product value five countermeasures.

Keywords: Yangshan peaches industry, SWOT analysis, countermeasure

目 录

一、引言 4

二、研究意义、目的和方法 4

1、研究意义 4

2、研究目的 4


三、基于swot分析下的阳山水蜜桃产业发展现状 5

1、内部环境因素 5

2、外部环境因素 6

四、阳山水蜜桃产业发展对策 9

1、推进土地流转,实现规模化发展 9

2、合理引进品种,调整熟期结构 10

3、强化科技服务,培养优质桃农 10

4、实行标准化生产,加强商品化处理 11

5、强化品牌功能,提高产品附加值 12

结语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15


    江苏无锡的阳山镇位于长江三角洲地区,以盛产水蜜桃而闻名。当地拥有经济较发达、自然资源较丰富等优势,推动了阳山水蜜桃成为江苏省农业特色产业之一的进程,阳山水蜜桃至今已有百年之久,阳山水蜜桃产业也慢慢的变成了具有现代特色的农业产业, 在阳山水蜜桃产业成功发展的同时,其他同类型农业产业也可以借鉴其中的宝贵经验。

二、研究意义、目的和方法认论文网 无锡市阳山水蜜桃产业发展策略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_79926.html
