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时间:2017-06-04 16:03来源:毕业论文

自从上世纪 80 年代以来 , 我国电线电缆行业逐步发展 , 特别是华东地区的电缆行业 , 到 2005 年企业数量已经占到全国 50% 。 宜兴地区凭借优越的地理环境和高水平的集约式发展 , 一座 “ 中国电缆城 ” 在宜兴正悄然崛起 。 然而随着行业的发展,在供过于求的驱使下,电缆企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈,而且是以价格战为主的恶性竞争。如何在竞争中站稳脚跟并构建自己的核心竞争力成为企业未来发展中的重中之重。在信息时代的今天,信息充斥着每一个角落,影响着企业的每一步决策,然而在我国大部分企业只注重信息的存储而忽略了信息背后隐藏的知识。因此谁能更好的挖掘和应用这些海量的信息成为竞争的关键。本论文从数据挖掘的角度出发,对宜兴电缆企业的发展特性进行了研究,并对数据挖掘的应用方案进行了详细的介绍,最后提出了适用于大部分宜兴电缆企业的基于 Agent的数据挖掘系统。9661
关键词 数据挖掘 回归分析 聚类分析 宜兴电缆Title Title Title Title Study development characteristics of Yixing cable
enterprise based on data mining
Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
China's wire and cable industry gradually developed s ince 1980's ,
especially those in east, thus the number of enterprises has accounted for
50 percent of the country in 2005. In Yixing , a "cable city in Yixing is
quietly emerging by virtue of a superior geographical environment and a
high level of intensive development of Yixing . However, with the
development of the industry, driven by the oversupply, competition between
cable companies more and more intense, and this is a vicious price war
competition. How to gain a firm foothold in the competition and build ing
their own core competitiveness , become the top priority in the future
development of enterprises. In the information age today, information
filled every corner of the impact on the enterprise , every step of the
decision-making, however most companies focus only on the storage of
information while ignoring the knowledge of the information behind. Who
can do better in mining and vast amounts of information become the key to
competition. Starting from data mining, we studied the development
characteristics of the cable companies in Yixing, and described data mining
applications in detail, and finally proposed Agent-based data mining
system ,which is available for most Yixing cable company.
Key Key Key Key words words words words Data mining , regression analysis, cluster analysis , the Yixing
cable company目 录
1 绪论   1
1.1 研究背景和研究意义  1
1.1.1 研究背景  1 宏观背景  1 宜兴电线电缆行业背景  1
1.1.2 课题研究意义  2
1.2 文献综述  2
1.2.1 关于电线电缆行业研究  2
1.2.2 关于数据挖掘的研究  3 关于数据挖掘概念的研究  3 关于数据挖掘算法的研究    4 关于数据挖掘应用的研究  4
1.3 技术路  5
2 宜兴电缆企业发展现状及贡献  6
2 . 1 宜兴电缆企业发展现状  6
2.2 宜兴电缆企业的 贡献  7
3 数据挖掘技术及数据挖掘系统  9
3.1 数据挖掘的产生   9
3.2 数据挖掘过程  1 1
3.3 数据挖掘功能  1 2
3.3.1 分类与预测  1 2
3.3.2 聚类分析  1 3
3.3.3 演化分析  1 3
3.3.4 异类分析  1 3
3.4 常用的分类和预测模型  14
3.4.1 贝叶斯分类法  14
3.4.2 基于决策树的方法  15
3. 4 . 3 神经网络方法  1 7 基于Agent数据挖掘的宜兴电缆企业发展特征研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_8459.html