关键词 公共服务 公共服务设施 民营化毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The analysis about the reform path of the privatization
of public services and facilities
The first part of this article gives a clear definition about public services, basic services, privatization and some other related concepts. Then introduce some important theories about the privatization of public facilities: Savoy’s privatization theory, new public management theory, the polycentric governance theory, the public choice theory. We will use those theories to prove whether the privatization of public services is accidental or not, whether it is consistent with the objective law of the government’s reform direction. The supply system of our country’s public facilities can’t keep the pace with the times anymore, and the traditional modes of the public facilities have brought the government some financial crisis. It will hinder the development of market economy and become a stumbling block of the government reform. This article will find out some negative impacts and difficulties during the process of the privatization of public facilities by analyzing the status of the privatization, such as the corruption of government officials, the economic loss and some social problems. In the end of this article, we will find a suitable path of China’s privatization of public facilities.
Key words public service public service facilities the privatization
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究的背景和问题 1
1.2 研究的意义 1
1.3 文献综述 2
1.4 本文的研究方法与思路 3
2 公共服务设施民营化改革的理论基础 3
2.1 公共服务民营化的含义 3
2.2 基础服务设施民营化的含义 5
2.3 公共服务设施民营化的理论依据 5
2.3.1 萨瓦斯的民营化理论 5
2.3.2 新公共管理理论 6
2.3.3 多中心治理理论 7
2.3.4 公共选择理论 7
3 公共服务设施民营化改革的实施背景和目的 8
3.1 改革的背景 8
3.1.1 公共服务基础设施传统供给体制存在缺陷 8
3.1.2 中国政府面临转型 9
3.1.3 公共服务设施供给不平衡,落差大 9
3.1.4 民营经济的发展壮大 10
3.2 实施公共服务设施民营化的目标 10 公共服务设施民营化改革的路径分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_8711.html