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时间:2017-06-12 19:39来源:毕业论文

 摘 要:随着改革开放的不断深入,民营企业已成为我国经济的重要组成部分。同时民营企业也面临着巨大的压力,在发展中遇到了很多问题,尤其是在员工培训上存在很多问题。为了更好的顺应我国的经济形势,促进我国国民经济的发展,员工培训越来越受到政府和企业的重视。本文通过分析我国民营企业的培训现状和问题,再通过对国外的理论与实践经验的研究,分析国内外对民营企业在培训问题上的研究状况,找出民营企业在培训上的一些问题,同时提出解决这些问题的可行性对策,以便更好促进民营企业的发展。10131
    关键词:员工培训    现状    问题    对策  
     Problems and Countermeasures in the training of employees in private enterprises-----in a mountain group as an example
Abstract:With the deepening of reform and opening, private enterprises have become an important part of China's economy. At the same time, private enterprises are facing tremendous pressure, the development has encountered many problems, and especially there are many problems in staff training. In order to better adapt to China's economic situation, promote the development of our national economy, staff training is more and more by the government and enterprises. In this paper, through the analysis of the training status and problems of China's private enterprises, research and through the theory and practice experience of foreign countries, analyzing foreign and domestic private enterprises in the training problem research situation, find problems in the training of private enterprises, and puts forward the feasible countermeasures to solve these problems, in order to better promote the development of private enterprises.
    The main content of this paper includes four aspects, firstly, illustrate the importance of private enterprise training, and then analyzes the main problems existing in the training of private enterprises, and aimed at these questions to propose solutions; finally to a mountain group as an example, according to the analysis of existing problems and Countermeasures of staff training in private enterprises of the enterprise. This paper primarily in economics, human resources management under the guidance of the theory, collecting related literature and research situation of enterprises, the use of quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, factor analysis and prediction analysis methods to make theoretical research. In this paper, personal growth, all levels of enterprise development and the national economy, the real value of the importance of training as well as the. Combined with the inpidual analysis is proposed to solve the problems in the training countermeasures.
Key words:Staff training      Present situation        Problem Countermeasures
随着改革开放的不断深入,现代企业制度的不断建立,企业之间的竞争不断加剧,归根到底还是人才的竞争。而培训作为提升员工素质培养人才的重要手段,就显得愈加重要。然而我国大多数民营企业的培训水平比较薄弱,很多企业仍停留在传统的人事管理阶段,对培训没有足够的重视,导致民营企业在发展中遇到了很多问题,严重制约着民营企业的持续发展。如何有效的进行企业培训,以达到提高员工素质和企业经济效益,就显得具有重要的意义。 民营企业员工培训中存在的问题与对策分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_9096.html