摘要员工满意度一直都是大多数企业关注和探究的重点,也是人力资源管理最为重要的组成部分之一,而管理员工满意度的主要目的是希望通过调查和分析员工在工作中的满意程度,针对导致员工不满意的企业管理体制和制度做出改进,进而更好地促进员工高效能的工作,在实现自我价值的同时为企业带来经济收益。本文主要研究留学咨询行业中的热门公司——广东E公司,基于员工满意度的相关理论,采用李克特量表从751个文度对该公司的员工满意度进行调查和研究。调查发现广东E公司的总体员工满意度是中等偏上的,其中薪酬福利、培训需求满意度偏低,归因于公司薪酬体系和培训体系的不完善;而由于广东E公司的市场地位以及名声,员工对于企业文化的满意度最高。基于调查分析,本研究认为E公司应该从薪酬机制、培训体系以及管理流程等方面提高员工满意度。关键词:留学咨询行业; 广东E公司; 员工满意度调查10696
Employee satisfaction has always been the focus of most attention and research enterprises, as well as human resource management of the most important work, and the main purpose is to manage employee satisfaction surveys and by analyzing employee satisfaction at work and to improve staff unsatisfactory management structure and system, so as to better promote the efficient work of employees in the realization of personal value but also bring economic benefits for the enterprise. This paper studies abroad consulting industry Top companies - Guangdong E Corporation, employee satisfaction theory, using a Likert scale from six dimensions to investigate and research the company's employee satisfaction. The survey found that the company's overall employee satisfaction Guangdong E is the middle, where pay and benefits, training needs satisfaction is low, due to the company's compensation system is imperfect and training system; and as Guangdong E company's market position and reputation employees for the corporate culture of the highest satisfaction. Based on investigation and analysis, the present study suggests that the company should improve employee satisfaction E from the pay system, training system and management processes and so on.
Key words: Study abroad consulting industry; Guangdong E company; employee satisfaction surveys
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 - 1 -
(一)研究背景与研究意义 - 1 -
(二)研究方法 - 2 -
二、相关理论基础 - 2 -
(一)员工满意度的含义 - 2 -
(二)员工满意度的相关理论 - 3 -
(三)员工满意度的影响因素 - 4 -
(四)员工满意度的测量方法 - 4 -
三、广东E公司员工满意度研究设计 - 5 -
(一)广东E 公司现状 - 5 -
(二)调查问卷设计 - 6 -
(三)数据分析 - 7 -
四、广东E公司员工满意度调查结果统计及分析 - 7 -
(一)员工满意度总体情况 - 7 -
(二)不同基本情况下的员工满意度分析 - 11 -
(三)具体因子的员工满意度分析 - 12 -
(四)主要结论 - 15 -
五、提升广东E员工满意度的对策与建议 - 16 -
(一)针对不同类型岗位的建议: - 16 -
(二)针对个别文度——薪酬福利的建议: - 16 -
(三)针对个别因子的问题的建议: - 17 -
参考文献 - 19 - 留学咨询行业的员工满意度调查与分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_9819.html