摘要 :电解铜箔在锂离子电池内扮演着重要的角色,一方面它担任负极材料的载体,另一方面它还充当着负极电子的传输和收集体。为了使电解铜箔表面与锂电池负材料结合能力更强,常采用表面粗化工艺。将铜箔表面进行电化学粗化,通过在粗化液中引入硫酸亚锡和钨酸钠作为添加剂。用扫描电镜法考察了粗化的效果,从电镜图中可观察到:树枝状铜生长被抑制,铜箔表面形成了均匀分布的颗粒状结构,取得了明显的粗化效果。在粗化前后的电解铜箔表面涂敷1%黄原胶、1%CMC和5%CMC,利用多功能摩擦磨损仪对结合力进行了评判,结果表明:当涂敷厚度为300μm时,未粗化的电解铜箔经过粗化后与1%黄原胶的结合力Fz由1.24N提高到1.39N,提高了13%;当涂敷厚度为200μm时,粗化后的电解铜箔分别与1%CMC和1%黄原胶的结合力Fz由1.27N提高到1.31N,提高了3.1%;当涂敷厚度为100μm时,粗化后的电解铜箔分别与1%CMC和5%CMC的结合力Fz由1.14N提高到1.22N,提高了7%。21006
The study of the modification of electrochemical coarsening on the surface of the electrolytic copper foil
Abstract: Electrolytic copper foil is not only the carrier of the materials in Battery cathode, but also the collection and transfer. In order to increase the combining power between the copper foil and the materials in battery cathode, we often use surface coarsening technology. Coarsening the surface on the copper foil by improving the coarsening liquid. Sodium tungstate and stannous sulfate were brought as the additive agent instead of the poisonous arsenic compound to control the existence of the dendritic copper foil. To check the effect by SEM. Through the SEM we can find that the loosely particles appear on the surface of the copper foil and the effective was also obvious. Xanthan gum and CMC are covered on the surface of the copper foil, taking advantage of the UMT to analysis the result. The results show that When the coating thickness is 300 μm, the combining power between XG and the copper foil after-coarsened is higher than the power between XG and the raw copper foil, improving 13 percent. When the coating thickness is 200 μm, the combining power between XG of one percent and the copper foil after-coarsened is higher than the combining power between CMC of one percent and the copper foil after-coarsened, improving 3.1 percent. When the coating thickness is 100 μm, the combining power between CMC of five percent is higher than the combining power between CMC of one percent, improving 7 percent.
Keywords: copper foil; coarsening; binder; combining power; additive agent
1 引言 1
1.1 电解铜箔 1
1.1.1 电解铜箔的概念 1
1.1.2 电解铜箔国内外研究现状和水平 2
1.1.3 电解铜箔的性质 4
1.2 电解铜箔的发展趋势 5
1.3 电化学粗化 6
1.4 研究的意义与目标 6
2 实验内容 7
2.1 实验用电解铜箔 7
2.2 仪器与试剂 7
2.3 可编程直流电源 7
2.4 电解铜箔前处理步骤 8
2.4.1 前处理液的制备 8
2.4.2 电解铜箔前处理步骤 8
2.5 电解铜箔表面粗化 8
2.5.1 粗化液的制备 8
2.5.2 电解铜箔粗化步骤 9
2.5.3 电解铜箔固化工艺 9
2.6 扫描电镜的测量 9
2.6.1 扫描电子显微镜的原理 9
2.6.2 扫描电镜的测量装置 9
2.7 能谱仪(EDS) 10 电解铜箔表面电化学粗化改性工艺研究:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_13000.html