Thousands of tons of lubricants plant design
The specification of design
Abstract: The design of the content is to be designed to process thousands of tons of lubricants and production workshop. In recent years, the world oil production has remained at 50 million tons, annual output is approximately 2 million tons grease, accounting for 2.5% of the lubricant grease. The latest statistics show that 2010 Chinese oil consumption of 4 million tons, sales revenue exceeds 30 billion yuan, for the first time more than Russia is second only to the United States as the world's second largest oil consumer, and lubricants resin production was close to 100000 tons. According to the different characteristics of the enterprise, at present China lubricating grease production can be pided into three parts: a state-owned backbone enterprise is the China petrochemical lubricating oil company and China petroleum oil company, about 60%; it is foreign brands, about 20%; The rest is the place to private enterprise, about 20%. The purpose of this design is to look up and requirements of the domestic and foreign relevant material, understand the lubricating oil production methods and market use, access to the main process design reference data, process of material balance calculate and energy balance calculations, and select machine, with the computer drawing software rendering process control points of a process flow diagram, equipment figure and pipe graph.
Keywords: Lubricant blending; process flow diagrams; base oil; designed
目 录
1 设计文献综述.1
1.1 润滑油的行业前景.1
1.2 绿色润滑油的概况.1
1.4 国内外润滑油添加剂的运用3
1.5 中国润滑油生产面临的大环境3
1.5.1 严格的环保要求.3
1.5.2 汽车工业发展的要求.4
1.6 设计的探讨与研究.4
2 设计方案的论证.5
2.1 润滑油的调和机理.5
2.2 润滑油调和工艺类型.5
2.3 润滑油生产调和工艺流程.6
2.4 影响调和质量的因素.7
2.4.1 组分的精确计量.7
2.4.2 组分中的水含量.7
2.4.3 组分中的空气.7
2.4.4 调和组分的温度.7
2.4.5 添加剂的稀释.7
2.4.6 调和系统的清洁度.7
3 产品方案9
3.1 物质名称与性质9
3.2 物质的质量规格.9 万吨润滑油厂工艺流程设计+图纸:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_13001.html