摘要:Heck 反应是类重要的卤代芳烃烯基化、形成新 C - C 键的有机合成反应,近些年来都是催化和有机方向的研究热门,在最近的30几年中已逐步发展成应用日益普遍的有机合成方法,卤代芳烃与含有α-吸电子基团的烯烃为主要反应物,生成芳香代烯烃。催化剂一般为 Pd(0), Pd(II) 或含 Pd 配合物。许多单 Heck 反应的探索中,在卤代苯过量的情况下会生成少许双 Heck 产物。而本课题就是旨在寻找一种良好的反应体系,可以催化双 Heck 反应的进行,提高双 Heck 产物产率,使其大规模应用成为可能。本文内容通过筛选催化剂、溶剂,并且在对反应底物范围进行衍生后,发现可催化多种芳卤代烃及烯烃的反应,催化剂拥有普遍适应性。根据卤代芳烃与苯乙烯与丙烯酸乙酯反应,本文对几种反应底物进行了延展,获得了不错的效果。26557
毕业论文关键词:双 Heck 反应、钯催化、卤代芳烃、双芳基化
The double Heck reaction of ethyl acrylate and styrene with halogenated aromatics
Abstract: Heck reaction is the synthesis of an important class of halogenated aromatic vinyl, the formation of a new C - C bond, in recent years has been the research hotspot in catalytic chemistry and organic chemistry, in the past 30 years has gradually become the organic synthesis method is a widely used, mainly for the reaction halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (iodine, bromine containing alpha olefin reaction) and electron withdrawing groups, aromatic olefin generation. The catalyst for this reaction usually use Pd (0), Pd (II) or Pd containing complexes. Study on a single Heck reaction of aryl halides in excess will be a small amount of Heck product. My research is aimed at developing a good reaction system, capable of catalytic reaction of double Heck, double Heck to improve product yield, provides the possibility of large-scale application of the reaction. This paper through the screening of catalyst, solvent, and expansion in the scope of substrates, we learned that can catalyze a variety of aryl halides and olefins reaction, the catalyst has universal adaptability. In view of aryl halides and aryl halides with styrene and acrylic ester reaction, we has carried on the development to the substrates, and good results were obtained.
Keywords: Heck reaction; palladium catalyzed; halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons; double arylation
一、 前言3
1.1 Heck 反应新型催化体系的研究•3
1.2不对称 Heck 反应4
1.3绿色体系下的 Heck 反应4
1.4 Heck 反应在有机合成中的最新应用研究••4
2.3 溶剂对反应的影响••6
Heck反应是形成与不饱和双键相连的新 C - C 键的重要反应, Mizoroki和Heck分别于1971和1972年发现了 Heck 反应[1],在最近的30几年中已逐步发展成一种日趋广泛的有机合成方法,其代表性反应式见 Scheme 1。

Scheme 1 Heck反应
卤代芳烃(碘、溴)与含有 α-吸电子基团的烯烃为主要反应物,生成卤代烯烃。催化剂一般为 Pd(0), Pd(II) 或含 Pd 配合物。亲电性不饱和碳( sp 或 sp2 杂化)经过某些过渡金属的催化可与亲核性碳、氮、氧、硫原子直接成键,此类交叉偶联反应为近代有机合成中重要的方法之一,其使得我们可以有效的合成芳基烯烃、炔烃化合物等,因此在染料、医药、天然产物等常用化学品、以及新型高分子材料的制备方面有着重要的应用价值。Cabri [2]等于1995年总结 Heck 的新研究进展,并探索了其将来的适用前景。 丙烯酸乙酯及苯乙烯与卤代芳烃的双Heck反应:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_20782.html