The Improved Test of Saline-alkali Soil in Shanghai Coastal Area
Abstract: By soil sampling indoor grouping controlled trials to examine the use of different application amount of conventional industrial production of by-product gypsum Shanghai coastal region of saline-alkali soil pH, soluble salts, EC value, CEC, alkalinity and conventional hydrolysis N, available P impact of K's, to determine the appropriate amount of gypsum and gypsum research through basic soil nutrient improved standard of whether farming can be properly incorporated into the quantitative improvement of organic fertilizer assistance. The results showed that: application of gypsum mixed with the soil improvement can effectively reduce the Shanghai coastal region to take soil samples and soil PH value of ESP, but to enhance the soluble total salt content, CEC and EC of the soil, for N, P, K content on the more micro, but NPK content itself is not up to the coastal saline soil. So to some extent, it needs a certain amount of organic fertilizer applied to improve the basic nutrients of the soil, and mixed with gypsum to use to solve the problem of rising soil EC value.
Key words: Shanghai Coastal Area;Saline-alkali Soil;Gypsum
1. 绪论 4
1.1 上海滨海盐碱土的形成分析 4
1.2 盐碱对植物的危害 4
1.2.1 引起植物的生理干早 4
1.2.2 伤害植物组织 4
1.2.3 影响植物正常营养 5
1.3 国内外盐碱土的改良研究 5
1.4 脱硫石膏的改良应用研究 6
1.5 脱硫石膏改良盐碱土的原理 6
2. 研究材料与方法 7
2.1试验材料 7
2.1.1土样采取区概况 7
2.1.2采样土壤基本理化性质 8
2.1.3实验改良剂 9
2.2试验设计 9
2.3实验数据测量方法 10
3. 结果与分析 13
3.1 不同土样处理方式对土壤的pH值和EC值的影响 13
3.2不同土样处理方式对土壤CEC和交换性Na+的影响 15
3.3 脱硫石膏对土壤养分的影响 16
4. 结论与讨论 17
4.1 脱硫石膏对于滨海盐碱土的改良意义 17
4.2 有机肥和脱硫石膏的混合使用 17
致谢 18
参考文献 18
1. 绪论
1.1 上海滨海盐碱土的形成分析
上海市坐落于长江平原的入海口处,这便形成长江携带大量的泥沙形成江海互补土壤母质,石灰冲积型平原土壤的由此诞生。农业用地为水稻领域主要在长期栽培的影响后,施肥和灌溉,经历了浸出、氧化沉积作用频繁的还原,如耕作,犁,渗渍层等,下段可能有潜在的沉积层和母质层。 上海滨海地区盐碱地改良试验:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_23712.html