Title Exploration and research in nitrocellulose microspheres continuous technology
Micro-spherical pores drugs has a lot of internal pore structure, the apparent burning rate is enhanced significantly, which making the drug in the sphere of propellant burning rate and application of high burning rate propellant possible. Preparation of continuous spherical medicine technology has matured, it has many advantages, such as the simple device, short production cycle, good safety, and the tow cost.
Therefore, this article explores the micro-spherical pores drugs (nitrocellulose microspheres) continuous technology , and explore the factors that affect the particle size and its laws:
(1)Effects of solvent ratio on particle size's: at 30 to 100 times the ratio of solvent conditions, the average particle diameter ratio increases with decreasing solvent,and particle size distribution is narrower.
(2)Effects of water and propellant ratio on particle size's: at 10 to 30 times of water and propellant ratio conditions, the average particle size of the drug ratio increases as the water slowly decreases, and the impact is not obvious.
(3)Effects of emulsifier concentration on particle size's: at the 0.05% to 0.1% emulsifier concentration conditions, with the increase of the average particle size and significantly reduced the amount of emulsifier, and the impact is very significant.
(4)Effects of dispersant concentration on particle size's: at 0.05% to 0.1% dispersant concentration conditions, the average particle size increases with decreasing the amount of dispersant,in line with theoretical expectations.
(5)Effects of getting rid of solvent time on particle size's: in the range of 10 minutes to 90 minutes, with an average particle size decreases prolonged flooding dissolved, after 40 minutes reduced very slowly, it may be negligible.
(6)Effects of sampling degree of wet and dry on particle size's: wet particle size significantly greater than dry particle size, it is contrary to expectation. We should Increases the getting rid of solvent time to get better quality nitrocellulose microspheres.
Keywords Nitrocellulose microspheres; Continuous; Particle size; Solvent ratio; Water and propellant ratio;Emulsifier;Dispersant
毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 1 硝化棉微球的连续化工艺技术探索研究:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_40238.html