Cascade Sulfonylation/1,4-aryl migration of homoallylic alcohols: a facile synthesis of tetrasubstituted olefins
Abstract:Tetrasubstituted olefin scaffolds are widely present in natural products, pharmaceuticals, and bioactive molecules. Furthermore, tetrasubstituted olefins are frequently used as important synthetic intermediates due to their perse reactivities. Because of the significantly steric hindrance around the C=C bond(s), the highly efficient construction of this type of compounds are formidable and challenging. Sulfone group, as a kind of common organic functional groups, has been frequently seen in many compounds with significant bioactivities, especially in some agrochemicals such as antifungals and herbicides. It is obvious that the introduction of C-S bonds is pretty important. In this dissertation, we achieved the synthesis of the tetrasubstituted olefins bearing a sulfone group with homoallylic alcohols as the starting material and with sulfonylhydrazine as the sulfonyl group source. This current method exhibits the following characteristics: mild conditions, green and cost-effective, simple operation, and high product yields. Preliminary mechanistic investigation has shown that this reaction likely proceeds via the addition of sulfonyl radical onto the C-C triple bond, subsequent 1,4-aryl migration, and other fundamental reaction steps.
Key words: homoallylic alcohols; sulfonylhydrazine, sulfonylation; 1,4-aryl migration; tetrasubstituted olefin
目 录
Key words3
1.2 四取代烯烃化合物的重要性… 4
1.3芳基迁移的研究进展简介 5
1.3.1 1,2-芳基迁移 … 5
1.3.2 1,4-芳基迁移 …6
3材料和方法… 9
3.1仪器与试剂 9
4结果与讨论… 10
4.1 反应条件的优化 10
4.2 底物范围 …11
4.3 代表性化合物的相关表征数据12
参考文献 …15
附录 …16
高炔丙醇的砜基化/1,4-芳基迁移合成四取代烯烃的研究1 引言
1.1 砜基化合物的重要性
含有砜基的化合物在有机化学中占有重要的地位,其中包括砜类和磺酰胺类,这种化合物在农药和医药领域被广泛应用,它们通常具有广谱的生物活性,近年来越来越多的用于农用化学品(例如杀虫剂、杀菌剂等)和医药方面。由于其独特的化学结构和性质,烯基砜化合物通常具有某些重要的生物活性,例如,杀菌剂1[1]、氧化萎锈灵(Oxycarboxin) 2[2]和Falcipain-2抑制剂3[3]都含有烯基砜结构片段,此外,它们在有机合成中也是重要的中间体。

图1 含有烯基砜的生物活性分子 高炔丙醇的砜基化/1,4-芳基迁移合成四取代烯烃的研究:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_40833.html