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时间:2021-02-28 21:18来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字  爆炸水雾  装置参数  抛洒灭火  灭火介质


Title   the influences of the experimental devices to explosion                    


The paper is mainly discussed about the different effects about the four fire extinguishing devices .We need to prepare paper tube, cap, explosive materials. After initiation, analyzed with the high-speed camera, and take a record, determine the effectiveness of the spilling fire by the shape of explosion mist. The influencing factor is length-diameter ratio, reinforcing plate, detonator shell materials, the number and position of missile body. Summing up the above, it is shown that the best situation is under the condition of length to diameter ratio of 1.4, without reinforcement plate, aluminum detonator, aluminum detonator, two projectile bodiesons on both sides of the tube. In addition, the direction of wind, projectile material of different batches will influence the research on the laws of extinguishing the fire.

Keywords  water mist   parameters of the devices  dripping water to extinguishing fire   fire extinguishing media

目  次

1 绪论 1

1.1爆炸抛洒灭火的概述 1

1.2灭火药的发展和现状 3

1.3灭火弹的研究背景及其应用 4

2 灭火弹的灭火效能分析 7

2.1 实验仪器和实验装置 7

2.2 实验现场布置 8

2.3 灭火弹灭火机理 9

3 爆炸抛洒灭火规律的研究 10

3.1 实验研究 10

3.2  实验结果分析 23

3.3  小结 24

结论 24

致  谢 25

参考文献 25

1  绪论

1.1  爆炸抛洒灭火的概述


1.1.1  抛洒过程的分析

根据爆炸作用力与气动阻力相对大小,可以将灭火剂的爆炸抛撒分散过程分为三个阶段:加速阶段、减速阶段和湍流阶段。在径向范围内灭火剂的分散主要依靠前两个阶段,湍流阶段主要是使灭火剂在抛撒半径范围内进一步均化,提高灭火剂的利用率,对半径的继续扩大所起的作用不大。因此,着重考虑前两个阶段:加速阶段和减速阶段。 实验装置对爆炸抛洒灭火规律的研究:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_70475.html
