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时间:2018-10-15 20:17来源:毕业论文

Exploring the Influencing Factors of the Success Rate of Chinese Internet Lending
Abstract:This paper uses the python software to collect data in the fourth quarter of 2016 of Renrendai as a research sample and establishes the logit model to study the factors that affect the success rate of the Chinese Internet lending. The empirical results show that ,the age, working time, lever of income and degree of education in the personal information of the borrower all have a significant positive effect on the success rate of Internet lending, the loan amount and interest rate in the information of the borrowing target have a significant negative effect on the success rate of Internet lending, the field certification and identity certification in the authentication information of the borrower have a highly significant positive effect on the success rate of Internet lending. According to above analysis, this paper believe, In order to increase the attraction of investment in lenders, borrowers should improve and perfect their personal information on the Internet lending platform, the Internet lending platform should inspect borrowers in an online and offline way before lending transactions and establish a punishment mechanism to punish defaulted borrowers, the government should monitor the Internet lending industry and provide support for the Internet lending platform's credit system.
Key words: Internet lending; successful borrowing rate; lending behavior
目 录
  摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、引言    1
二、文献综述    2
(一) 国外相关研究评述    2
1、基于“软信息”的研究    2
2、基于“硬信息”的研究    2
(二)国内相关研究评述    3
1、基于借贷描述角度的研究    3
2、基于学历角度的研究    3
3、基于歧视视角的研究    3
(三)文献评述    4
三、互联网借贷成功率影响因素实证分析    4
(一)样本选择和数据来源    4
(二)研究因素理论分析    4
(三)研究假设与变量分类    4
(四)模型构建    5
(五)变量的描述性统计    5
(751)多元回归分析    6
四、结论及建议    7
致谢    8
参考文献    8 中国互联网借贷成功率影响因素研究
一、 引言
互联网借贷平台于2006年引入中国,近三年来在中国实现喷井式的增长,《中国P2P借贷服务行业白皮书2016》指出,中国互联网借贷平台数量已从2010年的26家增2015年的2451家。而在缺少相应的行业准入规则和行业治理法律的前提下,过热的互联网借贷平台的增长也带来了一系列的社会问题,尤其是近几年小型互联网借贷公司的接连倒闭引起了社会的普遍的关注。2016年5月e速贷被调查、融宜宝涉案被调查,6月借贷宝陷入“大学生裸贷风波”,引发社会对校园贷的热议,全国各地互联网借贷平台管理者频频爆出跑路被抓的新闻。2016年互联网借贷平台运营过程中存在的风险和效率问题暴露的更加明显,这也意着政府部门的介入监管、行业规范、对风险效率问题的相关研究显得更为重要。 中国互联网借贷成功率影响因素研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_24143.html