毕业论文关键词:商业银行 个人理财产品 营销策略 风险管理
Study on the Marketing Strategies and Risks Management of Personal Finance Products in Commercial Banks
Abstract:In recent years, the personal financial business of commercial banks has been a hot topic. In this paper, we study the marketing strategy and risk management in our country commercial banks’ personal finance products. Firstly, we find that there are some problems in the marketing strategy, such as the lag of marketing idea, the unscientific product pricing management, the weak brand building. So the commercial banks should create market demands, build brand, use comprehensive marketing methods and make full use of information technology to improve the personal financial products and service quality. Secondly, we also find that there are some problems in the risk management, including the imperfect risk management in the design of personal financial products and the weakness in customer risk assessment. Then the commercial banks should improve its risk management system. When commercial banks have improved the two aspect, they will win a healthy developing personal financial business.
Keywords: commercial bank, personal finance product, marketing strategy, risk management
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 2
(三)文献综述 2
二、商业银行个人理财产品营销与风险管理的理论分析 4
(一)商业银行个人理财产品概念 4
(二)商业银行营销的含义和理论分析 5
(三)个人理财产品风险与理论分析 10
三、我国商业银行个人理财产品营销与风险管理现状及分析 11
(一)我国商业银行个人理财业务营销现状 12
(二)我国商业银行个人理财业务营销中存在的问题 13
(三)我国商业银行理财产品风险管理现状 15
四、商业银行个人理财业务的营销策略 16
(一)加强宣传力度,创造市场需求 16
(二)打造品牌效应,综合利用营销手段 17
(三)与时俱进,提高银行理财业务的信息化水平 18
五、我国商业银行个人理财产品发展中的风险防范对策 18
(一)构建良好的外部环境,防范银行理财产品风险 19
(二)商业银行自身加强风险防范 19
751、研究结论 20
参考文献 22
随着中国国民经济的快速发展,居民收入水平的快速提高,城乡居民人民币存款的不断上升并且高于经济增长和收入水平的增长速度。国家统计局近期发布4月份居民消费价格指数为1.7%,仍然处于较低水平,但事实上,中国2015年经济增长目标为7%。我国经济学家王然和屈宏斌都表示,如果国家银行后续政策力度过小而时间又太晚,会给国家全年GDP带来更多的风险,因为国家银行的后续政策实施后经济的实质性反弹很有可能会到第三季度我们才能看到。在他们看来,央行将会在本季度再次降息25个基点,而且此行动很有可能会提前实施。在这样的情况下,银行传统的定期存款以及国债当然已经不能满足我国居民对资产保值增值的需求,那么也会出现钱变得越来越不值钱这种情况。对于居民来说,将手中的闲钱拿来投资这样的需求变得非常迫切。 商业银行个人理财产品的营销策略与风险管理研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_28021.html