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时间:2019-03-31 10:50来源:毕业论文

关键词  众包;商业模式;运行机制;
毕业论文外 文 摘 要
Title    The study of the Internet crowdsourcing's business
 model and operating mechanism                     
With the rapid development of information era, the crowdsourcing has became the service that everyone can participate with the help of Web2.0 technology which provides users with information ability. Therefore the crowdsourcing is growing fast. The paper aims to discover an essence about the package through the cases collection, collate, document and other cases comparison, etc. Firstly, the paper defines the Internet crowdsourcing's concept, compared with the service outsourcing, analysis and compares the current state of Internet crowdsourcing both at home and abroad. Researching of the Internet crowdsourcing's business model and operating mechanism, for one thing is to discuss the crowdsourcing's business model from the angle of company and organization, for another thing is to sort crowdsourcing out. Therefore, this issue is of great theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords  Crowdsourcing;business model; operating mechanism;
1绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2选题目的和意义    1
1.3研究内容与框架    1
1.4研究方法    2
2文献综述    3
2.1众包的概念    3
2.2互联网众包特征    3
2.2.1众包模糊了员工与用户的界限    3
2.2.2互联网众包使的时间、空间的距离不再存在    3
2.2.3众包利用了大众智慧并降低了成本    3
2.3“众包”与“外包”比较    3
2.3.1众包与外包的相同作用    4
2.3.2 众包与外包共有形成机理    4
2.3.3 众包与外包的差异性分析    5
3互联网众包服务的现状    8
3.1国外现状    8
3.2国内现状    9
3.3国内外众包服务的比较    11
3.4本章总结    12
4互联网众包的运行机制    13
4.1众包发展动因    13
4.1.1集体智慧    13
4.1.2参与式文化    13
4.2众包商业模式    14
4.2.1众包模式的分类    14
4.2.2众包商业模式判别    14
4.3运行机制    15
4.3.1价值创造机制    15
4.3.2利益分配机制    15
总结    17
致谢    18
参考文献    19
在知识经济下,企业想要长期保持竞争优势最重要的就在于有快速、可持续的创新能力。然而,客户的需求也越来越个性化和丰富化,因此企业在全球化的市场以及商务环境中的创新能力需要持续提高。基于此,对一个全新的突破点的需求在各个大企业中则显得异常迫切,企图通过“众包”这种模式解决内部研发部门无法解决的难题。“众包”使得企业不再依赖于企业内部的资源来进行创新研发,他在利用外部大众集体智慧的资源、更直接了解大众需求的同时也给企业传统创新模式带来了巨大的冲击。因此,企业若想有效利用“众包”强化本身创新研发能力,那么研究“众包”的商业模式则成为了重中之重。 互联网众包服务模式及运行机制研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_31487.html