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时间:2020-10-16 10:28来源:毕业论文

摘要:中韩两国自 1992 年正式建交后,经贸关系不断地深化,双边贸易规模不断地扩大。为了进一步加强两国经贸关系,于2012年5月正式开始谈判。其实早在2004年中韩两国就有缔结自由贸易协定的共识,在经过 14 轮谈判后,中韩两国于2014年11月完成实质性谈判,并于2015年6月1日签署了《中华人民共和国政府和大韩民国政府自由贸易协定》。本文第一部分解释了该研究的背景目的以及意义;第二部分叙述了中韩两国的贸易往来现状;第三部分叙述了建立FTA对中韩两国的必要性,并分析了中韩两国迫切签订FTA的重要性;第四部分叙述了中韩自由贸易协定对两国双边贸易的影响;第五部分则为全文的总结。58072

毕业论文关键词: 中韩FTA;中韩两国经济;双边贸易

The influence of free trade agreement between China and Korea on the bilateral trade 

Abstract:China and South Korea since 1992 formally established diplomatic relations, constantly deepening economic and trade relations, bilateral trade has expanded constantly. In order to further strengthen the economic and trade relations between the two countries, in May 2012 officially began negotiations. In fact early in 2004, China and South Korea have concluded a free trade agreement of consensus, after 14 rounds of negotiations, China and South Korea in November 2014 to complete the substantive negotiations, and signed < the people's Republic of China government and Korean government of the Republic of China free trade agreement>. In this paper, the first part explains the research background and the purpose and significance; the second part describes the China and South Korea trade present situation; the third part describes the establishment of FTA on China and South Korea, and analyzes the importance of China and South Korea urgently signed FTA; the fourth part describes the effect of China-Korea FTA on bilateral trade; the fifth part is the summary of the full text.

Key words:  FTA; Economy of China and Korea; bilateral trade


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究目的 1

(三)研究意义 1

二、中韩两国贸易现状 3

(一)贸易额快速上升,中方逆差增速趋缓 3

(二)进出口商品结构逐步向高级化转变 4

(三)中韩相互投资不断扩大,韩国对华投资不断加快 5

(四)双边协议广泛签署,推动贸易增长 5

三、建立FTA对中韩两国的必要性 6

(一)FTA的特点 6

(二)中韩两国现有贸易壁垒及对策 6

1、关税壁垒 6

2、非关税壁垒 7

3、“市场经济”与“非市场经济”的争议 7

(三)中韩两国迫切签订FTA的原因分析 8

1、中韩两国贸易联系日益紧密 8

2、金融危机迫使中韩两国加快谈判进度 8

四、FTA对两国双边贸易的影响 10

(一) FTA对两国双边贸易的积极影响 10

1、FTA使得贸易和投资更为便捷 中韩自由贸易协定对中韩双边贸易的影响:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_63009.html
