Abstract: In today’s rapid economic development, Industrialization and urbanization are accelerating. Food security has always been a problem that our country must face and solve. This paper is about the research of Huaian’s moderate scale farmers in food production. By analyzing and studying the present situation of Huaian’s food production, we find that food production is not only affected by the cultivated land and the weather, but also influenced by the total power of agricultural machinery, agricultural chemical fertilizer, the transfer of labor force, land circulation and so on. This study explains some related theories about moderate scale management in food production with the relevant principle of economics. The study will figure out the target value of Huaian’s moderate scale farmers in food production by visual analysis method, and put forward some relevant policy suggestions. The target value could be the guidance for the future development of food production in the north of Jiangsu . The result also can help to deepen the rural reform.
Keywords: Huaian, food production, moderate scale, scale economy
1 引言 3
2 淮安市粮食生产现状 3
2.1 淮安市农村经济发展概况 4
2.2 淮安市土地流转现状 4
2.3 淮安市粮食生产现状分析 5
3 淮安农户粮食生产适度规模目标值的测算 6
3.1 粮食生产适度规模相关理论 7
3.2 粮食生产适度规模目标值的测算过程 8
3.3 淮安粮食生产适度规模目标值的测算结果 8
4 农户粮食生产适度规模经营的有关政策建议 9
4.1 加强相关政策的实施 9
4.2 完善土地流转机制 9
4.3 调动农民的积极性 10
4.4 鼓励农村剩余劳动力的流转 10
结论 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
1 引言
中国拥有的耕地面积仅仅占世界的9%,却养活了21%的世界人口。虽然在未来一段时间内,中国粮食暂时没有忧虑,但是从长远来看,却仍存在一定的隐患。首先就是耕地不断减少。由于工业和城市的不断扩张,占用大量耕地,其面积已经降低至2013年的20.3亿亩,虽然暂时守住了18亿亩的底线,并且政府采取了相关的补救办法,但是仍不能等质等量平衡发展。其次,化肥和杀虫剂的大量使用以及严重的水土流失,致使农业污染和残留问题更加突出。同时,人们对粮食的需求一直在不断增长,而根据需求收入弹性理论,城镇化和收入的增加使消费者对粮食以及其他农产品的需求量增加。再次,能源价格不断上升,造成农业生产资料价格不断上涨,威胁到粮食生产者的收益率。最后,农业劳动力大量外出务工,粮食生产面临“谁来种地,怎么种地”的问题。由于这些问题的存在,使得粮食安全生产岌岌可危,想要解决中国粮食安全,必须处理好农业和农民问题,坚持粮食生产适度规模化,努力走出一条符合国家性质的农业现代化道路。 淮安市农户粮食生产适度规模研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_63415.html