毕业论文关键词: 创业板,纳斯达克,股价波动性,联动性
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The linkage between the China GEM Stock Price Volatility and the NASDAQ China Stock Price
This paper will take the China GEM market stock price volatility as analysis object,using VAR model, Grainger causality analysis, Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition method to explore the linkage between the China GEM stock price volatility and other market especially the NASDAQ China stock price. The study found that Chinese GEM Stock Volatility severe than the NASDAQ Stock Market in the United States, the China GEM market stock price fluctuations mainly by its main market fluctuations, while the NASDAQ Stock Market in the United States there is no significant relationship By linkage analysis of China GEM and other market stock price, to make some suggestions to further improve the GEM system design.
Keywords: GEM NASDAQ Stock Price Volatility Linkage
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义及论文结构 1
2 文献回顾 2
2.1 关于国际主要股市间相关性的研究 2
2.2 关于香港、上海、深圳股市间相关性的研究 2
2.3 关于中国股市同主要发达国家股市相关性的研究 2
2.4 中国创业板与主板市场及其他国家创业板市场相关性的研究 3
3 创业板和主板市场的比较 3
4 纳斯达克和香港创业板的概况 6
5 实证研究 7
5.1 样本数据的选择及处理 7
5.2 描述性统计和相关分析 7
5.2.1 描述性统计 7
5.2.2 相关分析 9
5.3 向量自回归模型 9
5.3.1 序列平稳性检验 9
5.3.2 最佳滞后期的选择 10
5.3.3 VAR模型的实证结果 11
5.3.4 VAR模型稳定性检验 11
5.3.5 VAR模型结果分析 12
5.4 格兰杰因果关系检验 12
5.5 脉冲响应函数分析 13
5.6 方差分解分析 16