摘 要
关键词: 广州; P2P网络借贷; 综合研究4308
With the rapid development of Internet technology, the idea of microcredit blends with Internet technology, contributing to the birth of P2P network lending, the grass-level finance, which helps alleviate the defect of information asymmetry, improve the use of the idle money in the society as well as offer convenient financial services to the individuals and the small enterprises with money demands. In so far as P2P network lending industry of Guangzhou, which is the pioneer of the reforming and opening up, with the poor number and the absence of regulators, it started up lately, fell in the chaos and its development kept in a relatively slow rate in the beginning time. Nonetheless, thanks to the flourish economy and commerce in Guangzhou, the support of the local government and various characteristic business strategies of platforms, P2P network lending industry started to soar from 2014, along with the boom of P2P trading volume and the mount of P2P network lending platforms. However the P2P network lending industry of Guangzhou still experiences a situation of low market size and weak competitive power, which signs that the P2P network lending industry of Guangzhou still stays at the initial stage. To enable readers to get a preliminary understanding of P2P network lending industry of Guangzhou, the article is mainly divided into the following parts such as the history and status quo of P2P lending network industry of Guangzhou, summarizing its whole situation of development and at last proposing suggestions: the P2P network lending platforms of Guangzhou should play up to the trend and policy and search for the revolution according to their edge and weakness, while the local government also needs to attach importance to the newly emergent industry and perfect the regulatory institution.
Key Words:Guangzhou; P2P network lending; comprehensive research
目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
一、广州P2P平台发展历程 1
二、广州地区P2P网贷平台发展现状 2
(一)平台基本概况 3
1. 基本信息 3
2. 地域分布 9
3. 股本性质 9
4. 资金保障模式 10
(二) 广州P2P平台经营 11
1. 标的分布 11
2. 成交额 12
3. 投资金额 14
4. 网贷综合收益率 15
5. 项目期限 16
(三) 广州P2P问题平台 17
1. 问题平台数量 17
2. 问题平台营运时间 19
3. 注册资本分析 19
4. 问题平台类型 20
(四) 广州P2P平台综合分析 21
1. 宏观环境分析 21
2. 广州P2P平台优劣势分析 23
三、 结论与趋势建议 25 广州P2P平台发展研究报告+发展现状+趋势建议:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_935.html