摘要: 随着计算机在社会各个领域的广泛运用,移动护理信息系统的概念也逐渐走入人们的生活中。据了解,移动护理信息系统是以物联网技术为载体,实现手持终端和计算机服务器两者之间的数据传输,从而使医护人员更好地为患者临床提供优质的护理工作,保障护理工作的实效性、准确性和安全性,带给医护更高效的工作方式,并且为患者带来更实时的护理保障。据悉,目前国内外都非常关注于医疗领域的信息化转型,对基于物联网的移动护理信息系统的探究和发展也正在循序渐进地完善之中,其现有的主要功能包括:临床护理文书的记录、患者体征的录入,以及床旁执行医嘱并实时反馈数据等,而随着这个领域的继续发展,也终将为护理事业带来更加客观的安全、时效保障。本系统主要使用html5开发界面、C#实现后台数据处理、 oracle管理数据库、通过JSON传输协议和IIS服务器、运用三层架构的理念来实现的。24467
毕业论文关键词: 物联网;移动护理信息系统;手持终端;数据库
The Mobile Nursing Information System based on Internet of Things
Abstract: With the widely utilizing of computers in each area of society, the concept of the mobile nursing information system has gradually walked into our lives. It is understood that MNIS uses IOT technology as a medium to achieve the data processing between hand-held terminals and computer servers, which enables the medical staffs to provide patients with a better clinical nursing care with guarantees of the effectiveness, accuracy, security in area of nursing in order to bring out a more effective working model and offer a more accurate nursing. It is reported that currently, from home and abroad, internationalized transformation in the medical field has been paid great emphasis on, as well as the gradual improving of exploration and the development of MNIS based on the IOT, the main functions currently involve paper records of bedside care, the inputs of the patients’ clinical sign and the timely feedbacks on clinical instructions. The continuing development in this area will at last bring about a more objective security and an effective guarantee. The system is achieved with several concept including using html to develop interface, C# to accomplish the back-end data processing, oracle to manage database, through JSON to translate protocol and IIS servers, and to apply the idea of three layer architecture.
Keywords: Internet of Things; Mobile Nursing Information System (MNIS); Personal Digital Assistant (PDA); database
摘要 i
Abstract i
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 传统医疗护理 1
1.1.2 基于物联网的移动护理信息系统 1
1.2 国内外背景及现状 1
1.2.1 国内外背景 1
1.2.2 国内外现状 2
1.3 移动护理信息系统应用现状 2
1.3.1 功能应用现状 2
1.3.2 优缺点 3
1.4 发展趋势 3
1.5 技术简介 3
1.5.1 Sencha技术 4
1.5.2 三层架构的概念 4
1.5.3 JSON协议 4
1.5.4 Oracle数据库 4
1.6 主要内容和结构安排 4
2 需求分析 6 C#+oracle基于物联网的移动护理信息系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_17971.html