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时间:2018-08-28 11:26来源:毕业论文

摘要Internet的自由、开放、快速传播信息的特点,使其倍受人们的青睐。与传统的会展耗时、耗力、耗资的缺点,网络会展为展商节省了人力、物力,展商和用户可以足不出户进行沟通、交流。       27524
关键词 :会展信息化,内容管理系统,php,B/S
Title     The informational exhibition website is designed and developed based on content management system            
Most people are attracted by the Internet due to its free feature,open
Particularity and faster dissemination of information.The international
Exhibition save much time,power and money compared with the traditional
Exhibition. The communication and exchange between exhibitor and user become much convenient.by the way,facing each other is not required.
Firstly,i will do some explanation of the subject including background,contentment and sense.Secondly,i will introduce the content management system and do some analysis and comparison of the current domestic and international research on informational exhibition.According to the required analysis,functional modules are given. i mainly developed user registration modules and draw the flow chart,comply the process,design the database.
The system is developed with php and html language. Due to the time constraints and lack of ability, the system is a bit shabby with many deficiencies.
Keywords  international exhibition ,content management system, php
目   次
1引言    1
1.1课题背景    1
1.2课题研究意义    1
1.3国内外研究现状    2
1.4课题研究内容    4
2.相关技术    5
2.1内容管理    5
2.2 PHP开发语言    5
2.3 WAMP开发环境    6
2.4 基于属性相似度的推送    6
3.系统分析    7
3.1 需求说明    7
3.2 用户及其特点    7
3.3 功能模块分析    8
3.4 性能分析    9
4. 系统总体设计    9
4.1系统功能模块的设计    11
4.2系统数据库的设计    12
5. 系统实现    13
5.1首页的设计    13
5.2登录模块    13
5.3注册模块    15
5.4用户信息模块    16
5.5展商名录模块    19
5.6问题及解决    21
结  论    23
致  谢    24
21世纪是一个信息爆炸的社会,各种信息技术突飞猛进的时代,然而这些信息技术的发展给人们的生活、学习和工作带来了很大的影响,对人们而言,是一种机遇,也是一种挑战[1]。网络正在逐渐的深入到人们的生活中,并且对人们的生活方式产生着潜移默化的影响[2]。随着网络应用的不断的丰富和发展,各种网络技术层出不穷,用户对网站的要求变得越来越高,我们可能会听到用户这样的反馈:页面制作无序、大量信息堆积、改版工作量大等等。正是在这样的背景下,内容管理系统就恰如其分的应运而生,并且能够在一定程度上有效的解决用户在网站建设中和在信息发布中经常遇见的问题和需求[3]。 php基于内容管理的会展信息化网站的设计与开发:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_22031.html