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时间:2018-10-11 18:51来源:毕业论文
采用的是PHP +MYSQL模式。电子商务是目前发展最迅速网络销售平台,是各个销售行业目前大力发展的模块。网上销售已经是商家买卖商品所不可缺少的途径

摘要:    网络订餐系统是代表性的电子商务销售平台, 其开发是基于B/S模式的网上销售,采用的是PHP +MYSQL模式。电子商务是目前发展最迅速网络销售平台,是各个销售行业目前大力发展的模块。网上销售已经是商家买卖商品所不可缺少的途径。28973
该网上订餐系统主要是针对餐厅而开发的,该餐厅有着多年经营店面的经验,有着扎实的顾客群体以及可靠地物流、仓储保障,为了增加自身的竞争力而决定开拓网上销售的渠道。此系统设计上选用Web Service技术、三层结构,这样本系统就可以在多个不同平台上运行,可以选择更多样的开发语言来实现系统功能,保证了系统在实际投入运行是能有更好的稳定性、可拓展性。系统设计按标准化、规范化的要求,分层设计,构建实现。采用软件构件化的开发方式,使系统结构分层,业务与实现分离,逻辑与数据分离;用统一的服务接口规范。在功能方面,系统以网站的形式与用户交互,可以让用户直观地了解操作方式,并且还会有对应的提示信息;由后台数据库来存储信息数据。系统具有基本的信息浏览、查询、编辑以及管理等功能,采用模块化的设计方案,根据不同的功能而划分不同的模块。
毕业论文关键词:    电子商务,PHP,SQL,交互性。
The network food ordering system
Abstract:     Network reservation system is a typical e-commerce sales platform, its development is based on B/S model of online sales, using PHP + MYSQL model.E-commerce is currently the most rapidly growing online sales platform, is currently developing various sales industry module. Online sales is necessary to buy and sell goods business.
Developed the online reservation system is mainly aimed at the restaurant, the restaurant has many years of experience in operating stores, has a solid logistics, warehousing and reliably guarantee the customer groups, in order to increase their competitiveness and decided to develop online sales channels.System design using Web Service technology, the three layer structure, so the system can run on different platforms, you can choose more perse development language to realize the system function, to ensure the system in the actual operation is better stability, scalable. System design, according to the requirement of the standardization and normalization hierarchical design, construct the implementation.Adopts component-based software development method, make the system structure of hierarchy, business and achieve separation, the separation of logic and data; With a unified service interface specification. In the aspect of function, the system in the form of a web site and user interaction, allows users to intuitive understanding of the operation mode, and also there will be a corresponding hint information; By the background database to store information data. System has the basic function such as information browsing, query, editing and management, adopts the modular design, more different functions and different modules.
Keywords:    e-commerce, PHP, SQL, interactive.
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iv
1 绪论    1
1.1 项目背景    1
1.2 用户特点    2
1.3 课题的意义和目标    2
1.4 应用环境    3
1.4.1 系统网络应用环境    3
1.4.2 系统软件应用环境    3
2 分析    4
2.1 业务流分析    4
2.2 数据流分析    4
2.3 功能规格    5
2.3.1 角色定义    5
2.4 用例图    6
2.4.1 系统主用例图    6 php+mysql网络快餐订餐系统设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_24036.html