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时间:2018-11-15 11:33来源:毕业论文

关键词  学生就业  校园招聘  招聘三方平台
Title  Design and Development of Campus Recruitment Platform
With reliance of the market competition and technological innovation to young talents,recruitment requirements of highly educated talents as the core of enterprise improve gradually. Talent competition has become an important part of competition among enterprises increasingly.And employment pressure becomes an anxiety to college graduates,because university enrollment, uneven regional development and other social factors exacerbated the pressure on employment.So campus recruitment platform plays an important role in making communication between recruiters and students,and creating a good employment environment ,in the “Internet+”era.
This paper discusses the construction of a rational and efficient campus recruitment platform.By the early collection of the relevant information
And comparison of the popular recruitment platform, determine the core elements of recruitment platform building.Then make a detailed functional analysis and structural design for the system requirements,with an analysis of the core function code.Finally,test system depend on different user to verify development efforts ,and improve the user experience.
Keywords  Student employment    Campus recruitment    Recruitment tripartite platform
 目   次  
1  绪论  1
1.1 课题研究背景  1
1.2 课题研究意义  1
2  开发工具  2
2.1 基于C#的ASP.NET  2
2.2 SQL Server 2012数据库  4
2.3 Visual Studio 2013开发平台  5
3  方案设计  6
3.1 软件的总体设计  6
3.2 软件的功能模块划分  6
3.3 数据库设计  8
4  系统功能实现  16
4.1 newClass全局类  16
4.2 logIn全局类  16
4.3 用户注册与登录模块  17
4.4 招聘信息模块  18
4.5 新闻动态模块  19
4.6 资料填写模块  20
4.7 职位管理模块  21
4.8 安全设置模块  22
4.9 在线留言模块  23
5  实例测试与性能分析  25
5.1 普通未注册未登录用户  25
5.2 应聘者用户  29
5.3 招聘单位用户  33
5.4 管理员用户  35
5.5 性能分析  37
结论  39
致谢  40
参考文献  41
1  绪论
1.1  课题研究背景
招聘平台,又叫招聘管理平台,在国外经常被称做Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)、Talent Acquisition Systems (TAS) 或e-Recruitment System。作为人才管理平台(Talent Management System)的组成部分,这种基于互联网的招聘管理平台致力于协助HR以更高效的方式完成企业外部人才的吸引、识别、筛选及录用工作。
随着科技的高速发展,网络越来越成为日常工作和生活中不可或缺的工具,“互联网+”的模式越来越受到重视。网络在企业的校园招聘各个环节中越来越得到单位和学生的认可,从企业发布校园招聘计划和招聘职位信息,到学生在网上填写资料、投递简历,到企业对简历进行筛选、通知学生笔试和面试时间,最终确定录用意向,学生与企业签订就业协议。整个招聘环节互联网的帮助下能更加高效便捷,学生、企业也能更好地实现自己利益的最大化。受益于网络化的校园招聘,如今的企业更倾向于通过网络招聘平台来进行人才选聘工作,学生也因其迅捷性、高效性对网络招聘平台寄予厚望。 ASP.net校园招聘平台的设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_25912.html