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时间:2018-11-25 20:59来源:毕业论文
采用C#语言以及SQL Server数据库技术来完成该系统的设计与开发,其主要功能有对各类旅游信息管理,线路管理,权限管理,留言功能以及预订功能等等。本系统意在使旅行社管理更加有

    本次旅行社管理系统的设计主要针对旅行社日常业务管理实现了数据集成和信息集成,对各种旅游信息、资源进行协同集中管理。其主要以Visual Studio 2008为开发工具,基于ASP.NET,采用C#语言以及SQL Server数据库技术来完成该系统的设计与开发,其主要功能有对各类旅游信息管理,线路管理,权限管理,留言功能以及预订功能等等。本系统意在使旅行社管理更加有效,解决信息管理难的问题,同时满足用户的新需求。用户可以及时方便地获取旅游相关信息,管理员可以对各项旅游信息以及用户信息进行增、删,改的管理。本系统在设计上采用B/S模式,使其具有先进性和良好的交互性,从而保证该系统具有良好的稳定性和可扩充性。
毕业论文关键词:    ASP.NET,SQL,B/S模式,数据统计
Travel agency management system design and development
Abstract:With the rapid development of tourism industry and the increasing of travel information, travel agency management system is more and more attention by all of us.
    Travel agency management system is multi-table operating system which effectively manages business of travel agency. With the complication of travel information and the situation of travelers which involved in daily business of travel agency, and with the widespread popularity of the Internet, travelers are not satisfied with the traditional way of getting travel information, which means that travel agency must be combined with modern management methods, establish a effective travel agency management system, which can integrate and manage the tourism information resources, save resources and improve efficiency, achieve a multiplier effect.
    The travel agency management system designed for the management of daily business travel agency realized the data integration and information integration, information on various types of tourism, resources for collaborative centralized management. The main development tools is Visual Studio 2008, based on ASP.NET, using C # language and SQL Server database technology to complete the design and development of the system. Its main functions are all kinds of tourist information management, rights management, message function and booking function and so on. The system is intended to enable more effective management of travel agencies and solve the difficult problem of managing information, while meeting the new demands of users. Users can easily get travel related information timely, administrators can add, delete, change the tourist information and the user information. The system is designed with B / S mode, it makes the system has advanced and good interactive, and ensures that the system has good stability and scalability.
Keywords:    ASP.NET,SQL,B/S mode,data statistics
摘要    i
Abstract    ii
目录    iii
1 绪论    1
1.1 开发背景    1
1.2 课题的目的和意义    2
1.3 发展趋势    2
2 分析    3
2.1 需求分析    3
2.2 课题的基本内容    4
2.3 可行性分析    4
2.3.1 技术可行性    4 ASP.NET+sqlserver旅行社管理系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_26385.html