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时间:2019-08-25 09:12来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:    Unity3D;跑酷游戏;
The Design of Casual Parkour Game
Abstract: My subject is the design of casual parkour game. The purpose of this study is to realize the characters, rewards, monster's design with Photoshop, using Unity3D as development platform. Research about production process is pided into several parts: analysis of design elements of the game style, the game scene style; characters, items, monsters of animation design; the code; the design of the game interesting challenges. The game is based on Unity3D, game player can open this interesting challenging parkour game for entertainment in leisure time with the computer hardware performance continues to improve, according to the trend, people have increasingly high demand on Massive Multiplayer Online Games. However, people won't continuously play PC games for a long time, which leads to the emergence of the small game is more close to the players' life. A game not only with interesting, challenging and innovative but also with simple operation, which is more and more popular with young people. Along with the extensive research of Unity3D, through the use of Unity3D produced exquisite games are becoming more game players' favourite. Simple and fun game dress more and more people of all ages!
Keywords:    Unity3D;Parkour Game;
Abstract    i
目录    ii
1    绪论    1
1.1    研究背景和意义    1
1.2    国内外研究现状    2
1.3    发展趋势    2
1.4    研究方法    3
2    分析    5
2.1    游戏元素分析    5
2.2    游戏场景分析    5
2.3    可行性分析    5
2.4    分析总结    6
3    设计    7
3.1    游戏元素设计    7
3.2    游戏场景设计    9
3.3    游戏关卡设计    9
3.4    游戏代码设计    10
3.4.1    人物角色脚本    10
3.4.2    道具物品脚本    12
3.4.3    游戏音效脚本设计    13
3.4.4    游戏怪物AI设计    14
3.4.5    UI中各按钮的脚本设计    15
4    Adobe Photoshop    16
4.1    游戏主界面背景制作    16 Unity3D休闲跑酷游戏设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_38185.html