本篇论文按照缓冲区分析算法的研究近况,以及计算机图形学、计算几何等研究理论和成果,重点介绍点、线、面三种类型的缓冲区分析算法,并且使用面向对象的程序设计语言Visual Basic 6.0和ESRI(Environmental Systems Research Institute,环境系统研究所)开发的MapObject组件,实现点、线、面三种对象的缓冲区分析算法。
毕业论文关键词:缓冲区分析算法 地理信息系统 空间实体 空间分析
Spatial analysis is the core module of geographical information system (GIS). It is a norm to evaluate the function of GIS. Buffer area analysis is one of the many important spatial analysis functions of GIS, and the based on other spatial analysis function. Buffer area analysis can be mainly pided into three types for point, lines and polygon. Buffer area analysis which is based on different geographical spatial entity can be mainly pided into three types for point, lines and polygon. The buffer area of point object can be used to choose the address of point object or judge the service area of object such as bank, supermarket. The buffer area of line object can be mainly used to plan the location of roads and rivers or analyze the effect on the spatial entity with changing traffic arteries. The buffer area of polygon can be used to analyze the influential area of polygon object such as forest, lakes, wet lands, economic development zones, business quarters, uptowns.
This paper introduces the algorithm of three types: point, lines, polygons which is based on the current research of buffer area analysis’s algorithm, computer graphics and computational geometry. It makes use of Visual Basic 6.0 and MapObjects which is developed by ESRI for realizing the algorithm of buffer area analysis for point, lines and polygon.
Key words: the algorithm of buffer area analysis; GIS; spatial entity; spatial analysis
目 录
1 绪论1
1.1 缓冲区分析的研究目的及意义1
1.2 缓冲区分析的理论研究现状 1
1.3 论文主要研究内容2
2 缓冲区分析算法程序设计基础3
2.1 缓冲区分析的定义3
2.2 缓冲区分析算法的基本概念3
2.3 Visual Basic 6.0与MapObject组件的介绍4
2.3.1 Visual Basic 6.0开发平台4
2.3.2 MapObject组件4
3 缓冲区分析算法研究6
3.1 基于栅格的缓冲区分析算法6
3.2 基于矢量的缓冲区分析算法6
3.3 不同地理实体的缓冲区分析算法7
3.3.1 点目标缓冲区生成算法7
3.3.2 线目标缓冲区生成算法9
3.3.3 面目标缓冲区生成算法17
4 缓冲区分析算法程序设计与实现18
5 总结与展望21
致 谢22
1 绪 论
1.1 缓冲区分析的研究目的及意义
在地图与地理信息系统的信息处理中,邻近度(proximity)是一个十分重要的指标。在现实生活中,交通线或河流两侧附近的地物的重要性,公共基础设施(如:超市、剧院、车站、医院、银行、邮局等)的服务范围,水库的建设所引起的搬迁,交通要道对其通过地区经济的发展意义等,以上都是与邻近度相关的问题。因此,我们能够做出下列总结:"缓冲区是地理空间目标或项目规划目标的影响范围或服务范围,是地图信息检索及综合处理和地理信息系统空间分析的重要功能[1]。在GIS中,缓冲区分析是一种运用相当普遍的、用于处理邻近度问题的地理空间分析工具。” 基于MapObject组件缓冲区分析算法实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_39855.html