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时间:2020-03-26 12:10来源:毕业论文
利用my sql制作后台、选择java语言、利用Eclipse集成开发环境,开发了一个车辆租赁管理系统。本系统是典型的管理信息系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的

摘要:本课题试图利用my sql制作后台、选择java语言、利用Eclipse集成开发环境,开发了一个车辆租赁管理系统。本系统是典型的管理信息系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。先讨论了将要解决的问题,以及背景,然后从可行性研究、需求分析、详细设计、测试方法等方面完成系统的理论工作。该系统的主要功能包括管理员登录后的车辆管理、信息管理、信息管理与用户登录后首页、车辆搜索、门店、付款、信息浏览、评价。车辆租赁管理系统,设计了汽车租借的基本功能,使得管理员可以监管车辆,增减信息,而用户则可以租借车辆,查询信息,评价。将整个系统制作成网页的形式,使得用户在使用时无需下载软件的麻烦,轻松快速的完成整个租车流程。47049

毕业论文关键词: 简单便捷;汽车租贷;用户;管理员

design and implementation of vehicle rental

management system

Abstract: This topic attempts to use SQL to produce the backstage, to choose the Java language, to use the Eclipse integrated development environment, has developed a vehicle rental management system. This system is a typical management information system, its development mainly includes the establishment and maintenance of back-end database and front-end application development two aspects. First, it discusses the problems to be solved, as well as the background, and then from the feasibility study, requirements analysis, detailed design, test methods and other aspects of the theoretical work. The main functions of the system include the administrator login vehicle management, information management, information management and user login page, vehicle search, store, payment, information browsing, evaluation. Vehicle rental management system, the design of the basic functions of the car rental, the administrator can monitor the vehicle, increase or decrease the information, and the user can rent vehicles, query information, evaluation. Make the entire system into a web form, so that users do not need to download the trouble of software, easy to quickly complete the entire car rental process.

Keywords: Simple and convenient; Car rental; user ;admin; 


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 国内外研究与水平 2

1.3 发展趋势 3

2 开发工具 4

2.1 开发工具ECLIPSE 4

2.2 数据库MY SQL 4

2.3 系统环境 4

3 实际调研,需求分析和可行性分析 5

3.1 实际调研 5

3.2 需求分析 5

3.3 可行性分析 6

4 功能设计 java+mysql车辆租赁管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_48974.html
